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Authors:ID Senič, Sergej (Author)
ID Oplotnik, Žan Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Senic_Sergej_2014.pdf (748,60 KB)
MD5: 03064B1CD6A93520A433204A88F8B7B8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Finančna kriza postaja vse bolj pereč problem današnjih časov, s katerim se srečujejo številni gospodarski subjekti. Podjetja bi morala biti vedno pripravljena na finančne težave, pravočasno zaznati znake krize ter se nanje uspešno odzivati, da bi se lahko rešila globljih finančnih težav. Vzroki, ki pripeljejo podjetja v krize, so različni, nastopijo lahko v okolju samem, med podjetji ali v podjetju, prav tako pa je več načinov reševanja teh problemov. Ko podjetje zaide v krizo ter postane nelikvidno in kapitalsko neustrezno, se mora odločiti za enega izmed naslednjih dveh glavnih postopkov zaradi insolventnosti: za postopek prisilne poravnave ali za ukinitev družbe s postopkom stečaja. Stečaji so najslabša oblika poplačila upnikov in pomenijo hkrati uničenje vrednosti za lastnike kapitalskih deležev, delavce, upnike, poslovne partnerje, potrošnike in tudi za državo. Najugodnejša rešitev tako za dolžnike kakor tudi za upnike je prisilna poravnava, seveda če ima podjetje za njeno izvedbo ustrezne pogoje. Maja 2013 je parlament sprejel predlog novega stečajnega zakona, ki je uvedel institut poenostavljene prisilne poravnave, ki do takrat v našem pravnem sistemu ni obstajal. Uvedba tega instituta je pomembna zato, da se bodo mikro ter mala podjetja in samostojni podjetniki pogosteje odločali za prisilno poravnavo. Vstopni pogoji za te subjekte so omiljeni, kar pripelje do cenejšega, hitrejšega in pogostejšega postopka finančnega prestrukturiranja. V magistrski nalogi smo želeli na konkretnem primeru podjetja X prikazati vzroke za nastanek insolventnosti ter podrobnosti tega postopka, podati kompleksnost priprave načrta finančnega prestrukturiranja in poudariti, kako pomembno je, da se ta izdela strokovno, natančno in da je sprejemljiv tako za dolžnika kot za upnike. Prav tako smo želeli s tem zaključnim delom poslovodstvu podjetja X predstaviti najugodnejšo rešitev za podjetje. Po preučitvi stanja dolžnika smo ugotovili, da je najbolj smiselno uporabiti postopek poenostavljene prisilne poravnave. Na podlagi rezultatov magistrske naloge lahko potrdimo, da je poenostavljena prisilna poravnava najboljša rešitev za nastalo finančno krizo v podjetju X. Učinki poenostavljene prisilne poravnave bi bili izredno pozitivni in večplastni. Stečaj podjetja bi namreč pomenil ukinitev oziroma smrt samega podjetja. Če obstaja možnost prestrukturiranja poslovanja, je za dolžnika bolje, da se odloči za prisilno poravnavo in ohrani delovanje podjetja ter se tako izogne številnim nadaljnjim problemom. Prav tako pa so upniki v tem primeru v boljšem položaju, saj se njihove terjatve poplačajo v večji meri, kot bi se v postopku stečaja, ohranijo pa se lahko tudi nadaljnji poslovni odnos s kupci.
Keywords:kriza, poenostavljena prisilna poravnava, stečaj, Zakon o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju, načrt finančnega prestrukturiranja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Senič]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46916 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11918620 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.01.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Financial crisis is becoming rather serious problem many economic operators are being confronted with nowadays. Companies should always be prapared for dealing with financial problems, able to recognize the signs of a crisis in advance and respond to them successfully in order to avoid serious financial problems. There are different reasons that cause a financial crisis - they can occur in an environment itself, in a company or among companies. As there are different reasons leading to a crisis, there are also different ways of solving them. When a company gets into a crisis and becomes insolvent and its capital inadequate, it has to choose one of the two main insolvency procedures - either compulsory settlement or bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is the worst form of repayment, resulting in value destruction for capital shareholders, workers, creditors, business partners, consumers and the country. Compulsory settlement provides the most favourable conditions for debtors as well as for creditors, provided that the company fulfils certain requirements. In May 2013, the Parliament passed new Insolvency Bill, introducing the Institution of Simplified Compulsory Settlement that has not been known in our legal system before. The introduction of the Institution of Simplified Compulsory Settlement should encourage micro and small enterprises as well as sole traders to choose the procedure of compulsory settlement more often as they have in the past. Conditions for those subjects enable them cheaper, faster and more frequent financial restructuring plan. In this masters’ degree we wanted to show on an actual case of company X why insolvency occurs, present the details of the procedure, introduce complex financial restructuring plan preparation and emphasise the importance of creating a professional and detailed plan that is going to be acceptable for both, the debtor and creditors. Furthermore, we wanted to present the best solution for the company to the management of company X. Examination of debtor’s situation has showed the best solution would be simplified compulsory settlement. On the basis of the results of this masters’ degree we can confirm that the simplified compulsory settlement is the best solution for company X, with its effects being very positive and multi-layered. Bankruptcy would lead to the termination or death of the company. Provided that there is a possibility of restructuring business, it is better for a debtor to decide for compulsory settlement, keep the company running and avoid other potential problems. This is also an advantage for the creditors, whose debts are more likely to be settled than they would be in a bankruptcy process and they are in this way able to stay in contact with their buyers.
Keywords:crisis, simplified compulsory settlement, bankruptcy, Insolvency Act, financial restructuring plan.


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