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Authors:ID Potočnik, Mitja (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Potocnik_Mitja_2014.pdf (1,20 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Zaradi skokovitega razvoja sodobne informacijske tehnologije v zadnjih letih, le-ta podjetju sama po sebi ne prinaša več konkurenčne prednosti. Ker med posameznimi panogami vlada ostra konkurenca, predstavlja usmeritev na odjemalce pomembno konkurenčno prednost podjetja. Eden izmed konceptov, ki to omogoča pa je upravljanje odnosov z odjemalci oziroma krajše CRM. CRM oziroma upravljanje odnosov z odjemalci je poslovna strategija, ki podjetjem pomaga zmanjševati stroške, ter jim obenem povečuje donosnost s tem ko poiskuša predvideti potrebe oziroma zahteve sedanjih in potencialnih strank. Da pa pridemo do natančnih podatkov o naših sedanjih in bodočih odjemalcih pa se le ti zbirajo s pomočjo večih podatkovnih virov saj nam lahko le tako podajo realno sliko o posameznih odjemalcih. Namen magistrskega dela je prikazati kako aplikacijo CRM načrtovati ter jo kasneje uspešno uvesti v zavarovalnico. Zavarovalnice so inštitucije z ogromno strankami in veliki količinami podatkov in ravno zato bi jim moral CRM ustrezati ter jim doprinesti k večji uspešnosti poslovanja. Pri pisanju naloge smo si pomagali s proučevanjem domače in tuje literature, ki je napisana na temo CRM in zavarovalništva. Ker je naloga v večini teoretične narave, smo uporabili deskriptivni pristop. Znotraj le tega pa smo uporabili metodo kompilacije, kar pomeni, da smo povzemali opazovanja in ugotovitve drugih avtorjev. Z metodo analize smo razčlenjevali in proučevali pojave in spoznanja drugih avtorjev. V magistrskem delu se bomo najprej seznanili z natančno opredelitvijo upravljanja odnosov z odjemalci. Nato bomo spoznali, kako se takšna aplikacija načrtuje in uvaja v podjetje, na koncu pa še natančneje spoznali, kako bi se naj koncept CRM uvedel v zavarovalnico. Skozi nalogo sem poiskušali prikazati natančen proces implementacije, ter ugotoviti dejansko uporabnost in koristi, ki jih sistem CRM prinaša zavarovalnici. Na koncu naloge bomo podali sklep in v njem ugotovitve, ki smo jih spoznali skozi celotno nalogo.
Keywords:Ključne besede: CRM, analitični CRM, operativni CRM, organizacijski CRM, gradniki CRM, CRM vizija, CRM strategija, CRM informacije, CRM tehnologija, CRM metrike, cilji CRM, implementacija CRM, zavarovalništvo, zgodovina zavarovalništva, pojmi v zavarovalništvu, slovenski zavarovalni trg.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Potočnik]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46701 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11911196 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.01.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:The rapid development of modern information technology in recent years is not sufficient by itself in securing the competitive advantage for a company. As fierce competition rules among specific sectors the customer orientation represents an important competitive advantage for an organization. One of the concepts which supports customer orientation is customer relationship management or CRM. CRM is a cost reducing business strategy which at the same time increases profitability by anticipating the requirements of company’s current and future customers. Multiple data sources are used together in order to obtain accurate customer information – the only means of conveying realistic picture of individual customers. The purpose of master’s thesis is to show how to design and later successfully establish the CRM application in an insurance company. Insurance companies are institutions with many customers and large quantities of data, therefore, CRM should suit them well, and it should also contribute to the increased business performance. National as well as foreign CRM and insurance-related literature is used for the purpose of this master’s thesis. As the thesis is mostly theoretically based, descriptive method of research is applied. Within the descriptive method several other authors’ observations and findings are compiled, using compilation method of research. Finally, those observations and findings are studied and analyzed with the research method of analysis. The master's thesis introduces detailed definition of customer relationship management, deals with the question of designing and establishing CRM application in a company, and offers an in-depth look into CRM concept implementation in an insurance company. The author tried to describe detailed process of CRM implementation, and establish the actual applicability, and the benefits the CRM system brings when implemented in a company. The conclusion presents the prominent findings made through the research for this master’s thesis.
Keywords:Keywords: CRM, analytical CRM, operative CRM, organizational CRM, CRM constructs, CRM vision, CRM strategy, CRM information, CRM technology, CRM metrics, CRM objectives, CRM implementation, insurance, history of insurance, insurance terminology, Slovenian insurance market.


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