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Authors:ID Oder, Boštjan (Author)
ID Korez Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Oder_Bostjan_2014.pdf (800,07 KB)
MD5: C0BE3140FD53D2CA3B941194081E2F3F
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Zaradi vse večje globalizacije trga smo prisiljeni poslovati tudi izven naših meja in se ob tem srečevati s tujimi kulturami, zato je poznavanje tujih poslovnih kultur in njihovih načinov poslovanja izjemno pomembno. S tovrstnim poznavanjem si namreč lahko pri poslovanju ustvarimo določeno prednost oziroma zaradi nepoznavanja vsaj ne zmanjšamo svojega poslovnega uspeha. V diplomskem seminarju smo raziskali teorijo kulture, različne modele medkulturnih razlik in tri izbrane poslovne kulture s treh različnih celin – Evrope, Azije in Latinske Amerike, na katerih smo opravili tudi primerjalno analizo. Cilj diplomskega seminarja je bil analizirati kulturo kot eno izmed pomembnih dimenzij mednarodnega poslovnega okolja, raziskati tri različne poslovne kulture ter jih primerjati med seboj. Namen je bil prikazati pomembnost poznavanja kulture v mednarodnem poslovanju, odkriti razlike ali podobnosti izbranih poslovnih kultur in prikazati načine, kako se z njimi soočiti. Diplomski seminar smo začeli s podrobno opredelitvijo kulture, tj. definicijo, prešli na plasti kulture, nadaljevali pa z njenimi elementi in vplivom na mednarodno poslovanje. Predstavili smo še tri najbolj znane modele medkulturnih razlik. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje opisali poslovno kulturo Švedske, Južne Koreje in Čila. Potem ko smo se temeljito seznanili s poslovnimi kulturami izbranih držav, smo lahko opravili primerjalno analizo njihovih kultur. Na koncu smo predstavili še, kako so, glede na prej omenjene modele kulturnih dimenzij, izbrane poslovne kulture opredeljene. S tem smo pridobili še dodatno primerjavo izbranih kultur. Ugotovili smo, da ima kultura odločilen vpliv na mednarodno poslovanje, saj narekuje njegov celoten proces – od prvega srečanja do zaključnih pogajanj. Zato je pomembno, da, preden se podamo v posel s katerokoli državo, temeljito preučimo njeno poslovno kulturo, saj bi lahko sicer že z majhno napako poželi poslovni neuspeh. Skozi primerjalno analizo smo spoznali, da, čeprav so si na prvi pogled poslovna kultura Švedske, Južne Koreje in Čila različne, imajo tudi kar nekaj podobnosti. Ugotovili smo, da se torej obravnavane poslovne kulture kljub različni geografski legi vendarle ne razlikujejo tako zelo, kot smo to predvidevali na začetku.
Keywords:poslovna kultura, Švedska, Južna Koreja, Čile, primerjalna analiza, modeli medkulturnih razlik.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Oder]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46632 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12023836 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.07.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Due to the rapid globalization of the market, we are forced to do business outside of our borders and confront foreign cultures. Because of that it is very important to know foreign business cultures and their ways of doing business. With that kind of knowledge we can create ourselves an advantage when doing business or we at least don’t decrease our chances for a successful business transaction due to the lack of such knowledge. In this thesis we researched the theory of culture, different models of intercultural differences and three chosen business cultures from three different continents – Europe, Asia and Latin America, on which we also performed a comparative analysis. The goal of this thesis was to analyze culture as one of the important dimensions of international business environment, explore three different business cultures and compare them with each other. The intent was to show the importance of knowing culture in international business, discover differences or similarities between chosen business cultures and how to confront them. We started the thesis with a detailed definition of culture. We began with the definition of culture, followed with the layers of culture, elements of culture and influence that culture has on international business. Then we described three most known models of intercultural differences. In continuation we described in detail business cultures of Sweden, South Korea and Chile. After we thoroughly got to know with the business cultures of chosen countries, we were able to perform a comparative analysis of these cultures. At the end we also presented how these three chosen business cultures are placed in aforementioned models of intercultural differences. With that we gained an additional comparison of chosen cultures. We found out that culture has a decisive influence on international business, as it sets the tone for the whole process – from the first meeting to final negotiations. Therefore it is necessary that before we go into business with any other country, we thoroughly study their business culture, otherwise a little mistake can cause a failure. Through the comparative analysis we found out that even though business cultures of Sweden, South Korea and Chile appear different at first, they do have some similarities. We found out that the chosen business cultures, despite their different geographic locations, are not completely different as we assumed.
Keywords:Business Culture, Sweden, South Korea, Chile, Comparative Analysis, Models of Intercultural Differences.


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