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Title:Primerjava pretočnosti krožnega in klasičnega križišča na Kersnikovi ulici v Celju
Authors:ID Kajtna, Katja (Author)
ID Topolšek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Cvahte Ojsteršek, Tina (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kajtna_Katja_2014.pdf (6,40 MB)
MD5: 6813CAF66F68A391623D570E210F854F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Hitro doseganje cilja v smislu prevožene poti je skozi oči voznika dokaj enostavno opravilo, vse dokler ne nastopijo prometne prekinitve ali slabša pretočnost, ki oslabijo nemoteno uresničevanje mobilnosti. Prav zagotovitev slednjega je velik izziv tako za načrtovalce prometne infrastrukture kot tudi za prometne udeležence, ki pogosto s svojim nepravilnim izvajanjem ali predvidevanjem nehote izzovejo potencialne nevarnosti in prekinitve prometnih tokov. V diplomskem delu je poleg teoretičnega proučevanja prikazana tudi primerjava propustnosti klasičnega križišča s krožnim križiščem na najbolj pretočni mestni cesti, na Kersnikovi ulici v Celju, kjer se osredotočimo poleg štetja prometnih udeležencev tudi na obnašanje voznikov. Ta naloga na osnovi podatkov, zajetih iz terenskih raziskav, razpolaga z določenimi končnimi ugotovitvami, ki so nas pripeljale do priporočil. Prometni tokovi obravnavanega križišča in krožišča so bili primerni in ne pretirano nasičeni, medtem ko je bil način obnašanja prometnih udeležencev večinoma nezadovoljiv.
Keywords:klasično križišče, krožno križišče, obnašanje voznikov, prometni tokovi, štetje prometa, pravila vožnje
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[K. Kajtna]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46580 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512636733 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.01.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The flow comparing between crossroad and roundabout at Kersnikova ulica in Celje
Abstract:Quick travel towards the destination is a rather easy activity in the eyes of drivers, as long as there are no traffic interruptions or worse disturbances in traffic flows. Those are the main reasons that enfeeble the smooth implementation of mobility. The ensuring of mentioned smooth mobility is a big challenge for the transport infrastructure designers just as it is for the participants in the transport, who both often unintentionally provoke potential risk or traffic flow disruptions with their improper implementation or use. In the thesis, in addition to the theoretical study, a comparison of flow throughput in a classical crossroad with a roundabout on an urban road, on Kersnikova street in Celje, is presented. We focus in addition to counting traffic and studying the behaviour of drivers. The thesis presents findings, based on data from the field research, where gained insight led us to the conclusion that traffic flows in the observed intersections were not overwhelming, while the behaviour of drivers and other traffic participants was mostly unsatisfactory.
Keywords:classical crossroads/ intersection, roundabout, driver's behaviour, traffic flows, traffic counting, driving rules


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