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Title:Integrirani pretvornik za napajanje pogona in baterij električnega vozila v režimu napajanja pogona
Authors:ID Fišer, Primož (Author)
ID Rodič, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gotlih, Karl (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Milanovič, Miro (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Fiser_Primoz_2014.pdf (4,86 MB)
MD5: 557F6D8B56742D566389FDBE1DF99CC4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Sodobni čas si človek težko predstavlja brez osebne mobilnosti in avtomobilov. Primarni energetski vir za pogon vozil še vedno ostajajo fosilna goriva, čeprav se v zadnjem času vse bolj vpeljujejo alternativna pogonska sredstva. Alternativo konvencionalnim vozilom z motorjem z notranjim izgorevanjem predstavljajo električna vozila, ki zaradi izboljšav v tehnologiji pogonskih sklopov in hranilnikov energije, postajajo vse bolj konkurenčna in splošno razširjena. Kljub dejstvu, da so električna vozila že komercialno dostopna na trgu, potekajo raziskave v smeri boljšega izkoristka in splošne optimizacije. V delu je predstavljen eden izmed podproblemov optimizacije, to je združitev dveh tradicionalno ločenih samostojnih sklopov, in sicer pretvornika za pogon motorja, ter pretvornika za napajanje baterij v integrirani pretvornik. Na ta način je mogoče prihraniti nekaj elementov, ter tako znižati ceno in težo vozila. To je mogoče zaradi dejstva, da vožnja in polnjenje baterij nikoli ne potekata hkrati. Integrirani pretvornik lahko deluje v dveh režimih delovanja. V prvem režimu je uporabljen za napajanje baterij, v drugem za napajanje pogonskega asinhronskega motorja. V tem magistrskem delu je podrobno opisan režim s katerim napajamo pogonski motor. Uporabljeno je vektorsko vodenje motorja z uporabo teorije orientacije polja (FOC). Predstavljene so nezvezne modulacijske tehnike vektorske modulacije (DPWM), ki omogočajo zmanjšanje stikalnih izgub. Prikazano je tudi delovanje v območju nadmodulacije, s katero se lahko razširi napetostno območje pretvornika. Algoritem vodenja motorja je implementiran na digitalnem signalnem krmilniku, pri čemer je uporabljen pristop programiranja z avtomatskim generiranjem kode.
Keywords:integrirani pretvornik, asinhronski motor, vektorsko vodenje, modulacijski algoritmi, zmanjševanje stikalnih izgub, nadmodulacija, električna vozila, digitalni signalni krmilnik, avtomatsko generiranje kode
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Fišer]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46495 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18325014 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.11.2014
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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Secondary language

Title:Integrated converter for charging of drive and batteries of an electric vehicle in the drive charging mode
Abstract:It is hard to imagine modern life without personal mobility and passenger vehicles. Primary source of energy are still fossil fuels, although alternative means of transport energy are becoming ever more present. Electric vehicles are a popular alternative to vehicles with internal combustion engine due to the recent improvements in battery and drive technology. Though electric vehicles are already commercially available on the market, research goes into general optimization and development of vehicles with better efficiency. This master thesis describes one aspect of optimization, which focuses on combining functions of different converters, that would traditionally require two separate units. New approach takes advantage of the fact that battery charging and driving of electric vehicle never occurs at the same time. Having this in mind, it is possible to develop an integrated converter that operates in two different modes. The first mode is used to charge the batteries, while the second mode is used to drive the propulsive induction motor. By combining both functions in the same integrated converter, we use less elements and can reduce vehicle price. This master thesis focuses on operation of integrated converter in the drive charging mode. Drive motor is controlled by Field Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm. By employing discontinuous pulse width modulation (DPWM) techniques, switching loss reduction can be accomplished. The operation of converter in the over-modulation region, which can boost converter output voltage, is also demonstrated. Control drive algorithm was implemented on digital signal controller by using automatic code generation tools.
Keywords:integrated converter, induction motor, vector control, modulation algorithms, switching loss reduction, over-modulation, electric vehicle, digital signal controller, automatic code generation


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