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Title:Okoljski vplivi logističnih procesov v Celjski kotlini
Authors:ID Gmajner, Maruša (Author)
ID Knez, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Obrecht, Matevž (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Gmajner_Marusa_2014.pdf (2,95 MB)
MD5: 66697CB144E2DCFC5A00545835BD0D20
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Celjska kotlina se je po izgradnji Južne železnice začela intenzivno gospodarsko razvijati, glavno vejo gospodarskega razvoja je predstavljala industrija. Predstavili smo večja industrijska podjetja in razložili njihov vpliv na okolje. Logistični procesi, ki se odvijajo v takšnih podjetjih, so pustili precejšnje posledice v Celjski kotlini. Izpostavili smo proizvodne procese ter njihov vpliv na zrak, tla in vodotoke. Poiskali smo informacije o stanju vodotokov v sedemdesetih in osemdesetih letih, predstavili delovanje in infrastrukturo čistilnih naprav ter analizirali izboljšano stanje vodotokov po izgradnji čistilnih naprav. Analizirali smo onesnaženost zraka, preverili obstoječo zakonsko podlago in podali predloge omejevanja emisij žveplovega dioksida in prašnih delcev. Na tem področju smo izpostavili podjetje »Cinkarna, Metalurško-kemična Industrija Celje, d.d.«, ki predstavlja dober primer prestrukturiranja podjetja iz okoljsko neodgovornega v okolju prijaznejše podjetje z jasnimi zavezami za izboljšanje stanja. Raziskali smo zakaj je prišlo do močne degradacije tal na celotnem območju Celjske kotline, izpostavili najbolj kritično območje stare Cinkarne, preverili kaj se na tem področju trenutno dogaja ter podali različne možnosti remediacije s težkimi kovinami kontaminiranih tal.
Keywords:Celjska kotlina, logistični procesi, emisije, žveplov dioksid, prašni delci, degradacija tal
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[M. Gmajner]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46460 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512614461 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.01.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Environmental effects of logistic processes in Celje basin
Abstract:After the construction of Southern railway, intensive economic development began in the Celje basin and the main branch of economic development was industry. Larger industrial undertakings and their effect on the environment are presented in the thesis. The logistics processes taking place in these industrial undertakings have left considerable consequences in the Celje basin. Industrial processes are pointed out, as well as the consequence of these processes on the atmosphere, soil and watercourses. Information on the state of watercourses in the 70's and 80's are given, the function and infrastructure of wastewater treatment plants are presented and the improved state of watercourses after the building of wastewater treatment plants is analyzed.. Air pollution is analyzed, the current legal basis of this field is inspected and suggestions for limitation of sulphur dioxiode and dust particle emissions are given. Concerning this topic, the company "Cinkarna, Metalurško-kemična Industrija Celje, d.d" is exposed and presented as a good example of a socially responsible company. The causes of severe soil degradation in the whole area of the Celje basin are examined, the most critical area of the former Cinkarna industry is exposed, the current happenings in this field are researched and different possibilities for remediation of the soil, contaminated with heavy metals are given.
Keywords:Celje basin, logistics processes, emissions, sulphur dioxide, dust particles, soil degradation


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