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Authors:ID Arnuš, Urška (Author)
ID Cugmas, Zlatka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Arnus_Urska_2014.pdf (725,26 KB)
MD5: 2DF6116A99972E68BB56B4CD6C1F0C71
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Prva ločitev starša in otroka je zelo težka, saj se v prvih mesecih otrokovega življenja ustvarijo močne čustvene vezi. Starši so primorani, zaradi službene odsotnosti otroka oddati v dnevno varstvo in s tem lahko otroci izgubijo občutek varnosti. V vrtcu imajo najboljšo možnost, da si ustvarijo lastno samopodobo in se naučijo druženja z drugimi. Pri igri v večji skupini obstaja možnost za morebitne poškodbe, ki jih lahko s pravilnimi varnostmi ukrepi preprečimo. Otrokova nezgoda je vsestranski dogodek, ki vključuje stopnjo otrokove razvitosti ter otrokovo okolje. Okolje je za otroka zelo pomembno. Otroci, ki živijo v mestnem in primestnem okolju imajo enake možnosti za igro in razvoj. Pomembno je , da se odrasli zavedamo, da otrok ni nikoli kriv za nezgodo, ter da je odvisen od razumevanja, vzgoje in varnosti, ki mu jo dajemo. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala mnenja staršev o varnosti otrok v vrtcu, ugotovila ali obstajajo razlike med mestnim in primestnim vrtcem, in če sta starost in spol povezana s pogostostjo poškodb v vrtcu. V vzorec anketiranja sem zajela 100 staršev predšolskih otrok, in sicer 50 staršev otrok mestnega vrtca in 50 staršev otrok primestnega vrtca. Podatke sem zbrala s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, jih obdelala s programom Microsoft Excel 2010 ter grafično prikazala v diplomski nalogi. Analiza je pokazala, da je dobro poskrbljeno za varnost otrok v vrtcu, da se po mnenju staršev poškoduje več dečkov kot deklic, in sicer v drugem starostnem obdobju, in da okolje (mestno in primestno) ni povezano s pogostostjo poškodb.
Keywords:mestni vrtec, primestni vrtec, predšolski otrok, navezanost, varnost, poškodbe, preprečevanje poškodb
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Arnuš]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46424 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20984584 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.12.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:The first separation of parent and child is very difficult, because in the first months of a child's life, create a strong emotional bond. Parents are forced, because they have to work, put a child in day care and because of this, their children may lose a sense of security. In the kindergarten they have the best chance to create their own self image and learn to socialize with others. In the game in a larger group there is a possibility of possible injury, which can be with the right protective measures prevented. Child's accident is a versatile event that involves a degree of development of the child and the child's environment. The environment is for the child very important. Children who lives in urban and suburban environment, have equal opportunities to play and develop. It is important that adults are aware, that the child is never guilty for the accident, and thats depends on understanding, education and security, which we give. In this diploma thesis I investigated the parents opinion about the children safety in the kindergarten, to determine whether there are any differences between urban and suburban kindergarten and if their are age and gender related to the frequency of injuries in the kindergarten. In the sample interviewing, I covering 100 parents of preschool children, 50 children parents at the urban kindergarten and 50 suburban kindergarten parents. The information I collected through the questionnaire, I processed them with Microsoft Excel 2010, and graphically demonstrated in the diploma thesis. The analysis showed that is well cared for the safety of children in the kindergarten, that, according to parents opinions are hurt more boys than girls, in second age period and the environment (urban and suburban) is not connected to the frequency of injuries.
Keywords:urban kindergarten, suburban kindergarten, preschool child, attachment, security, injury, injury prevention


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