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Title:Optimizacija procesa upravljanja z referenčnimi vzorci v podjetju BSH Hišni aparati Nazarje
Authors:ID Skornšek, Laura (Author)
ID Knez, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Skornsek_Laura_2014.pdf (2,88 MB)
MD5: 91149FF059BA515006438FCD7EBBF778
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo podjetje BSH Hišni aparati, d. o. o. Nazarje, ki proizvaja male gospodinjske aparate na motorni pogon in termične aparate. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na problematiko iskanja referenčnih vzorcev v skladišču. Kaže se v neurejenosti in nepreglednosti skladiščnega prostora ter sami organizaciji oddelka vhodne kontrole. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na tri sklope. V prvem sklopu so predstavljeni teoretične osnove skladiščnega poslovanja, potrjevanje referenčnih vzorcev in barvil. V drugem sklopu je opisano trenutno stanje v podjetju, kako potrjujejo vzorce in proces iskanja referenčnih vzorcev v skladišču. S pomočjo vzročno-posledičnega diagrama smo v nalogi ponazorili vzroke za nastanek problema po posameznih področjih. V tretjem sklopu je predstavljena uvedba WMS kot predlog rešitve. V zaključku smo komentirali tudi oceno uspešnosti uvedbe in možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja.
Keywords:referenčni vzorec, skladiščno poslovanje, WMS
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[L. Skornšek]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46214 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512617533 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.02.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of the management process with the reference sample in company BSH Home appliances Nazarje
Abstract:In this degree dissertation we present the company BSH Home appliances d.o.o. Nazarje, the company produces small engine powered household and thermal appliances. In this thesis work we have focuses on the problem of searching the reference samples in the warehouses. The problems is reflected in the disordred warehouse and lack of transparency of storage space and the organization of the department itselft. Our thesis is divided into three parts. The first part presents the theoretical basis of warehouse operations, certifying of the reference patterns and colors. The second part describes the current situation in the company, how the company confirms the patterns and the process of finding reference samples in the store. With the help of a sample-effect diagram, we demonstrate the causes of the problems in their area. In the third section we present the introduction of WMS as a proposed solution. In conclusion, we comment on the performance evaluation of implementation and possibilities for further development.
Keywords:reference sample, warehouse management, WMS


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