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Title:Merjenje vpliva oskrbe delovnih mest na produktivnost v podjetjih znotraj predelovalne panoge
Authors:ID Kostanjšek, Grega (Author)
ID Rosi, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Gajšek, Brigita (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Kostanjsek_Grega_2014.pdf (3,62 MB)
MD5: 9A9A2754286A6AE6FFB4A1E578EDFB8C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Logistika na delovnih mestih in oskrba delovnih mest sta dve izmed glavnih podpornih funkcij realizacije procesa proizvodnje. Različni avtorji se strinjajo da so proizvodni procesi in logistične storitve med seboj povezani in večinoma celo nerazdružljivi. Namen magistrskega dela je podati način, kako se lotiti raziskovanja deleža vpliva oskrbe delovnih mest na produktivnost z uporabo metodologije zajema podatkov in matematičnih modelov za izračun vpliva oskrbe. Vpliv oskrbe delovnih mest na različnih, v praksi priznanih vrstah produktivnosti (OEE, SRP in TRP), smo tako na podlagi matematičnih modelov, ki smo jih v magistrski nalogi definirali in metodologije zajema podatkov razvite z naše strani, merili na praktičnih proizvodnih primerih znotraj podjetij v predelovalni panogi. Na tak način smo realizirali cilj magistrskega dela in prišli celo do konkretnih zaključkov o vplivu oskrbe na produktivnost.
Keywords:logistika, oskrba delovnih mest, proizvodna logistika, produktivnost, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), single resource productivity (SRP), total resource productivity (TRP)
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[G. Kostanjšek]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46163 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512630845 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.01.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Measuring the influence of a workplace supply on productivity in companies within the manufacturing sector
Abstract:Workplace logistics and workplace supply are one of the most important support functions of production process realization. Various authors agree on the matter that production processes and logistics services are connected to each other and at most times even inseparable. The purpose of this master thesis is to submit a method on how to approach the research of measuring the influence of workplace supply on productivity using the methodology of data collection and mathematical models to calculate the influence of supply. The influence of workplace supply on various, in practice acknowledged types of productivity (OEE, SRP, TRP), was therefore measured with mathematical models, that have been defined in this master thesis and methodology of data collection developed from our side, on real cases of production processes in companies within the manufacturing sector. In this way we have achieved the purpose of the master thesis and even came up with a concrete conclusions on the influence of workplace supply on productivity.
Keywords:logistics, workplace supply, production logistics, productivity, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), single resource productivity (SRP), total resource productivity (TRP)


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