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Authors:ID Pavlič, Tadej (Author)
ID Jagrič, Vita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Pavlic_Tadej_2014.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: AAE9240504F852B89B7EBBCD2444A20D
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Banke in druge finančne inštitucije se v teh časih soočajo z večjo konkurenčnostjo poslovanja, kot pred nekaj desetletji. Posledično so omejene pri pridobivanju novih komitentov. Zmanjšale pa so se tudi možnosti prejemanja visokih marž na svoje storitve, ki jih morajo racionalizirati, če želijo obdržati obstoječi tržni delež. Zaradi nevedenih razlogov se finančne inštitucije v današnjih časih vse bolj zavedajo pomena obvladovanja obstoječih poslovnih razmerij z njihovimi komitenti in s tveganji, ki izhajajo iz teh razmerij. Najpomembnejše tveganje je še vedno kreditno tveganje. Zaradi hitrega razvoja kapitalskega trga in inovacij, trg danes nudi finančnim inštitucijam nove metode prenosa kreditnega tveganja. Med CRM (»Credit risk management«) metodo se šteje tudi uporaba izvedenih kreditnih instrumentov. V diplomskem delu sem tako podrobneje opisal zamenjavo kreditnega tveganja, ki je tudi najpogosteje uporabljen izveden kreditni instrument za izločitev kreditnega tveganja. Za boljše razumevanje zamenjave kreditnega tveganja, pa sam najprej opredelil kreditno tveganje. Nato sem v tretjem poglavju definiral kaj je izveden finančni instrument in opisal ostale izvedene kreditne instrumente. Zamenjave kreditnega tveganja tržnim udeležencem nudijo veliko prednosti, a hkrati tudi določene slabosti. Instrument omogoča učinkovit prenos kreditnega tveganja s kupca zaščite na prodajalca brez, da bi se spremenila razmerja med upnikom in dolžnikom. Poslovnim bankam se je z uporabo tega instrumenta izboljšalo poslovanje. Kar je bilo doseženo v stabilnih gospodarskih časih. V kriznem obdobju pa so se banke, ki so trgovale z zamenjavo kreditnega tveganja, v primerjavi z drugimi bankami izkazale za bolj ranljive. Drugo slabost tega finančnega instrumenta predstavlja velika koncentracija kreditnega tveganja, na strani prodajalcev ali izdajateljev kreditne zaščite. Kar je rezultat neorganiziranega sistema trgovanja, kjer primanjkuje transparentnosti in ustrezne regulacije trga, ter nadzora nad samimi udeleženci. V desetem poglavju sem raziskal pomen drugega baselskega standarda na upravljanje s kreditnim tveganjem v bančnih ustanovah. V nadaljevanju sem raziskal tudi možnost trgovanja s temi izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti preko organiziranega trga vrednostnih papirjev, ki bi odpravilo prej omenjene težave glede transparentnosti in nadzora. Pomanjkljivost tega trga je sicer neprilagodljivost, zaradi česar bi lahko v manjšem obsegu obdržali trgovanjem tudi preko neorganiziranega trga.
Keywords:kreditno tveganje, izvedeni finančni instrument, izvedeni kreditni instrumenti, zamenjava kreditnega tveganja, sistematično tveganje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Pavlič]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46052 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11868188 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.11.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:Banks and other financial institutions are nowadays facing greater competitiveness in business, which is much greater than few decades ago. As a result, they are limited in acquiring new customers. In addition there are less chances of receiving high margins on their services, which must be rationalized if they want to retain the existing market share. Due to the above mentioned reasons, the financial institutions are nowadays becoming increasingly aware of the importance of managing existing business relationships with their clients and importance of risks arising from these relationships. The most important risk is still a credit risk. Because of rapid development of the capital market and innovations, the market today offers financial institutions a new method of transferring credit risk. Between the CRM ("Credit risk management") methods is also considered the use of credit derivative instruments. In the thesis I explained in detail credit default swap instrument, which is the most widely used credit derivatives used to eliminate credit risk. First I defined credit risk for a better understanding of credit default swaps. Then in the third chapter I defined what is a credit derivative and described other credit derivatives. CDS market offer many advantages to participants, but also some weaknesses. The instrument enables efficient transfer of credit risk from the buyer to the seller of protection, without altering the relationship between the creditor and the debtor. Commercial banks, who used this instrument improved their business performance. That has been achieved in stable economic conditions. But in crisis times banks who trade CDS proved to be more vulnerable, compared to banks who didn’t trade with this instrument. Another weakness of this financial instrument is a big concentration of credit risk on the side of sellers or issuers of credit protection. Which is a result of unorganized trading system, where a lack of transparency and adequate market regulation and supervision of the participants. In the tenth chapter, I explored the importance of the Basel II standard on credit risk management in financial institutions. Then I explore the possibility of trading these derivatives through the organized securities market, which would eliminate the aforementioned problems of transparency and supervision. The disadvantage of organized market is inflexibility. That is why, we could also keep trading through the unorganized market, but in lesser extent.
Keywords:credit risk, derivative, credit derivatives, credit default swap, systematic risk


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