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Authors:ID Drnovšek, Klemen (Author)
ID Kranjc, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Drnovsek_Klemen_2014.pdf (659,80 KB)
MD5: E0EC8B04779D88AAF654864A20100B74
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Poslovna odškodninska odgovornost je odgovornost za škodo, ki izvira iz pogodbenega razmerja in je posledica nepravilne izpolnitve pogodbene obveznosti. Kljub strogi zakonski ureditvi odgovornost dolžnika ni absolutna, saj se dolžnik odškodninske odgovornosti lahko razbremeni. Dolžnik nosi dokazno breme razbremenitve in mora dokazati obstoj zakonsko predpisanih ekskulpacijskih okoliščin. Ekskulpacija poslovne odškodninske odgovornosti je v OZ drugače urejena kot v CISG. Po 240. členu OZ je dolžnik prost odgovornosti za škodo, če dokaže, da ni mogel izpolniti svoje obveznosti oziroma da je zamudil z izpolnitvijo obveznosti zaradi okoliščin, nastalih po sklenitvi pogodbe, ki jih ni mogel preprečiti, ne odpraviti in se jim tudi ne izogniti. Dikcija člena ne vsebuje pogoja nepredvidljivosti in zunanjosti okoliščin, kar je zabrisalo ločnico med objektivno in subjektivno odgovornostjo. Slovenska pravna doktrina ne daje enoznačnega odgovora glede pravne narave poslovne odškodninske odgovornosti, vendar lahko kljub precejšnjim razhajanjem v pravni teoriji ugotovimo, da kvalifikacija odgovornosti ni tako pomembna in v sodni praksi nima bistvenega pomena. Na drugi strani pa CISG na podlagi 79. člena CISG predpisuje objektivno odgovornost. Dolžnik tako ni odgovoren za neizpolnitev, le če dokaže, da je do neizpolnitve prišlo zaradi ovire, ki je bila izven njegove kontrole, in da od njega ni bilo primerno pričakovati, da pri sklenitvi pogodbe upošteva ovire, se jim izogne ali pa premosti takšno oviro in njene posledice. CISG, ki se uporablja zgolj za sklepanje mednarodnih gospodarskih pogodb tako predpisuje strožjo obliko odgovornosti, saj razbremenitev dolžnika omogoča le v primerih, kadar je do neizpolnitve prišlo zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin in kadar te izhajajo izven dolžnikove sfere kontrole.
Keywords:odgovornost za kršitev pogodbe, neizpolnitev, razbremenitev poslovne odškodninske odgovornosti, ekskulpacija, subjektivna pravna narava, objektivna pravna narava, Dunajska konvencija – CISG, 79. čl. CISG, 80. čl. CISG.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Drnovšek]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45995 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4761899 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:Liability for damages is the liability which arises out of a contractual relationship, and is a consequence of one of the party's failure to properly perform the obligation they are engaged in. However, the liability of the debtor is not absolute. The debtor is exempted from liability if he proves the existence of legally prescribed impediments. Liability for damages for breach of contract under Obligations Code (OZ) is regulated differently than in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). According to Article 240 of the OZ, the debtor shall be released from liability for damage if it is clearly shown that he was unable to perform the obligation or was late in performing the obligation due to the circumstances which arose after the conclusion of the contract and they could not have been prevented, eliminated or avoided. The wording of Article 240 of the OZ does not contain a condition of unpredictability and external circumstances, which blurs the distinction between objective and subjective liability. Slovenian legal doctrine does not give an unequivocal answer to the legal nature of liability. Considering appreciable differences in legal theory, it can be seen that the qualification of liability is not so important, and as such it does not have significant importance in law practice. The CISG does, however, determine objective liability. According to Article 79 of the CISG, the debtor is therefore not liable for non-performance, provided he can prove that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control and it could not have been reasonably expected of him to take the impediment into account at the time of the conclusion of the contract, or to avoid or overcome it or its consequences. The CISG is applicable only for international commercial contracts and consequently provides a stricter form of liability, as the exemption of the debtor is possible only in cases where the failure was the consequence of unforeseeable impediment, which was beyond the debtor's control.
Keywords:liability for breach of contract, non-performance, exemption from contractual liability for damages, exculpation, subjective legal nature, objective legal nature, Vienna Convention – CISG, Art. 79 CISG, Art. 80 CISG.


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