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Authors:ID Soklič, Florjan (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Soklic_Florjan_2014.pdf (2,06 MB)
MD5: E9AC71C6528E63EE3926EA15177FDB30
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Naloga je zasnovana okoli storitev, ki jih računovodski servisi, najpogosteje kot outsource-ana dejavnost, opravljajo za mikro in majhna podjetja. V ta namen je v magistrskem delu predstavljen model procesa potnih nalogov, od zahtevka in potrjevanja do oddaje prilog in obračuna davkov, preko portala, ki omogoča brezpapirno poslovanje v vseh fazah procesa. Zaradi problematike, ki jo predstavlja birokracija je seveda dobrodošlo razmišljanje oziroma razvijanje aplikacij, ki bi pripomogle k zmanjšanju le-te. Prav tako potni nalogi, ki so pisno izpolnjeni pripomorejo k večji birokraciji, zato smo raziskali, kakšne aplikacije trg že ponuja in jih analizirali. Na podlagi analize smo zasnovali nov proces in nov podatkovni model ter razvili aplikacijo, ki zaposlenim pomaga pri pravilnem izpolnjevanju e-potnih nalogov in omogoča potrjevanje dokumentov na prenosnih napravah. Spletna rešitev omogoča hitrejši prehod skozi vse procese potnega naloga. Gre za nov model organiziranja dela v zvezi s potnimi nalogi, ki s podporo sodobne IKT omogoča brezpapirne potne naloge, kar posledično predstavlja hitrejšo obdelavo. Predstavlja tudi nov nivo kakovosti z vidika obdelave na več mestih skoraj istočasno ter vodi k zniževanju stroškov s krajšanjem časovnih rokov. Rešitev je pregledna in enostavna za uporabo. Namenjena je mikro in manjšim podjetjem, tudi tistim, ki imajo zunanje računovodske storitve.
Keywords:potni nalog, model informatizacije, LAMP, računovodstvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-45835 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7344659 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.09.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis studies services provided by accounting firms to small businesses often in an outsourced format. To this end, the thesis presents a model of travel order processes, which includes application and certification of the travel orders as well as awarding of annexes and payment of taxes. This is done via en electronic portal enabling paperless operations in all stages of the process. Due to the problems posed by the bureaucratic nature of the travel orders, there is a consensus that tackling these through development of bespoke applications can help reducing it. We investigate existing applications on the market and analyse them. Based on the analysis we design a new process and data model in order to develop an application that helps employees in with correct compliance with e-travel orders and allow the validation of documents on portable devices. Web solution enables faster transition through all the processes of travel order. This is a new model of organizing work on the travel orders, with the support of modern ICT enables paperless travel orders, which in turn represents faster processing. It also represents a new quality level in terms of processing at several points almost simultaneously, leading to reduction of costs by shortening deadlines. The solution is transparent and easy to use. It is intended for micro and small businesses, including those that have outsourced accounting services.
Keywords:travel order, model of computerization, LAMP, accounting


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