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Title:Razvojna programska platforma WaveMaker
Authors:ID Kašnik, Dejan (Author)
ID Črepinšek, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kasnik_Dejan_2014.pdf (3,93 MB)
MD5: B49428912CBB2F2528241C1C1CDBD13B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:WaveMaker je odprtokodna programska platforma za razvoj, ki avtomatizira postopke za izdelavo Java spletnih aplikativnih rešitev in razvoj aplikacij v oblaku. Spada med orodja za hiter vizualni razvoj aplikativnih rešitev (angl. Rapid Application Development) in omogoča izdelavo aplikacij za namizne računalnike, tablične računalnike in pametne telefone, ki so neodvisne od platforme. Mobilne aplikacije delujejo na pametnih telefonih ne glede na to, ali se uporablja sistem Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone 7 ali kateri drugi operacijski sistem. Platforma je na voljo za brezplačen prenos odprtokodne programske opreme za izdelavo aplikacij. Kot primer uporabnosti platforme je predstavljena aplikativna rešitev spletnega informacijskega portala, preko katerega odjemalci spremljajo porabo, stanje plačil in odprtih postavk ter na enostaven način sporočijo stanja merilnih naprav. Portal je v celoti izdelan v platformi WaveMaker.
Keywords:WaveMaker, JavaScript, Ajax, RAD (angl. Rapid Application Development), Java
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Kašnik]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44976 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18289686 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.11.2014
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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Title:Development software platform WaveMaker
Abstract:WaveMaker (formerly named ActiveGrid) is an open source software development platform that automates much of the process for creating Java web and cloud applications. WaveMaker provides a visual rapid application development (RAD) platform and is available as a free open source software download. WaveMaker allows building applications for desktop computers, tablet computers and smartphones, which are be platform independent. Mobile applications running on smartphones regardless of whether the system Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone 7 or any other operating system. As an example of the usefulness of the platform will be presented application solution web-based information portal. Web-based application that allows the user to submit the state for the calculation of water, gas and heating. The application provides an overview of invoices and payments and insight into the archive and debit payments. The user can review the status of water, gas and heating at the measuring point. Insight into the technical details of the measuring point and the opportunity to receive an electronic invoice for utilities.
Keywords:WaveMaker, JavaScript, Ajax, RAD (Rapid Application Development), Java


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