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Authors:ID Grah, Miran (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Grah_Miran_2014.pdf (2,00 MB)
MD5: 65E4D15EE30A884147034635AA9DB915
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problem, ki je redko obravnavan in se nanaša na področje zaznave okusa in teksture čokolade. Zato v magistrskem delu podrobneje proučujemo vpliv barve in materiala embalaže na zaznavanje okusa in teksture čokolade. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je najprej podan poglobljen pogled elementom (dražljaj, čutila, občutek, izpostavljenost in pozornost) procesa zaznavanja. Elementi procesa zaznavanja so ključnega pomena za razumevanje poteka zaznavanja. Koncept barve embalaže izdelkov sodi med ključne koncepte z vidika tržišča. Tako avtorji koncept barve embalaže opredeljujejo kot marketinške dražljaje, ki pomenijo komunikacijo ali fizični dražljaj, ustvarjen z namenom vplivanja na potrošnika (Assael 1998 in Mubeen 2006). Sodobna tehnologija omogoča razvijati vlogo embalaže s pomočjo novih materialov. Bistveno je torej, da zunanjost embalaže predstavlja prvi stik z odjemalcem in interakcijo med izdelkom in le-tem. Tako sta temeljni raziskovalni vprašanji magistrskega dela: • ali barva embalaže vpliva na zaznavanje okusa in teksture čokolade in • ali material embalaže vpliva na zaznavanje okusa in teksture čokolade. V pričujočem delu je predstavljen model povezav med naslednjimi koncepti: barva embalaže, material embalaže, zaznavanje okusa in zaznavanje teksture. Model raziskave smo predhodno preverjali na manjšem vzorcu respondentov (desetih študentov) prvega in drugega letnika bolonjskega magisterija Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete. Namen predhodnega testiranja je bilo ugotoviti, ali eksperimentalne osebe razumejo anketna vprašanja in morebiti modifikacijo dveh vprašalnikov. Rezultati predhodnega testiranja kažejo, da barva embalaže in material embalaže ne vpliva na percepcijo okusa in teksture čokolade. Glavni del raziskave je potekal v mesecu maju, ko smo testirali šestdeset študentov prvega in drugega letnika bolonjskega magisterija Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete. Zagotovili smo vsebinsko veljavnost dveh vprašalnikov. Na temelju tega smo izvedli eksperiment v treh skupinah (v vsaki skupini je sodelovalo 20 študentov). Rezultati empiričnega preverjanja na vzorcu šestdesetih študentov bolonjskega magisterija Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete kažejo, da a) barva embalaže ne vpliva na percepcijo okusa in teksture čokolade ter nadalje tudi b) material embalaže ne vpliva na percepcijo okusa in teksture čokolade. Ob koncu raziskave nas je tudi zanimalo, ali se barve embalaže in materiali embalaže na zaznavanje okusa in teksture med seboj razlikujejo. Zato smo opravili dodatno analizo „post hoc“. Ugotovili smo, da med vsemi skupinami statistično ni značilnih razlik (p > 0,05). Rezultati našega dela so kljub svojim prispevkom le delček raziskovalnega področja zaznave okusa in teksture. Vendar nas vse to vodi do sklepa, da gre za pomembna spoznanja, ki bodo prihodnjim raziskovalcem, ugotovitve pričujoče raziskave pomembne za na daljno delo.
Keywords:čokolada, zaznavanje okusa, zaznavanje teksture, barva embalaže, material embalaže
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Grah]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44915 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11797788 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.10.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:In master’s thesis, we focused on a problem rarely dealt with, namely, the field of taste perception and chocolate texture. Thus, we examined the influence of colour and material of package on the taste perception of chocolate more closely. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, we gave an insight into the elements of the perceptual process (stimulus, sense organs, sensation, exposure, and attention). Elements of the perceptual process are of crucial importance for understanding the course of perception. The concept of package colour is one of the key concepts from the market’s viewpoint. Hence, the concept of package colour is defined as market stimuli by various authors, denoting either communication or physical stimulus, created in order to influence the consumer (Assael 1998 and Mubeen 2006). With the help of new materials, the role of the package is developed by the modern technology. Therefore, it is essential that the package exterior represent the first contact with the consumer and the interaction between the product and the consumer. The most important research questions of the master’s thesis were the questions of influence of the colour of the package on the taste perception and chocolate texture, and the influence of material of package on the taste perception and chocolate texture. In the thesis, we represented the model of connections between the following concepts: package colour, material of package, perception of taste and texture. The research model has been previously tested on a smaller sample of respondents, that is, on ten students of first and second year of the Master’s programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The purpose of the preliminary testing was to establish whether the respondents understood the poll questions and perhaps the modification of two surveys. The results of the preliminary testing have shown that the colour and the material of package do not influence the perception of chocolate taste and texture. The main part of the research was conducted in May, when sixty students of first and second year of the Master’s programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business were tested. We provided ourselves the content validity of two surveys, based on which we performed the experiment in three groups (20 students participated in each group). The results of the empirical part on the sample of sixty students of the Master’s programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business showed that a) the colour of package does not influence the perception of chocolate taste and texture, and that b) the material of package also does not influence the perception of chocolate taste and texture. At the end of the research, we wanted to establish whether different colours and materials of package influence the perception of taste and texture differently, which is why we performed an additional post-hoc analysis. We determined that among all groups there are, statistically, no differences (p > 0,05). Despite our contribution, the results of our work present only a small part in the research field of perception of taste and texture. We can say that we uncovered, nevertheless, important information, that will help researchers with their work in the future.
Keywords:chocolate, taste perception, texture perception, package colour, package material


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