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Title:Konstrukcija avtomobilske tovorne prikolice
Authors:ID Šmigoc, Peter (Author)
ID Belšak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ulbin, Miran (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Smigoc_Peter_2014.pdf (3,93 MB)
MD5: FB9B329E6AB5995E3537B44A5FC483E4
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je zasnovati nov model priklopnega vozila, ki ga izdeluje podjetje TPV Prikolice, d.o.o. Dosedanji model TBH je namenska prikolica za prevoz vozil, ki jo želimo spremeniti v večnamensko prikolico z možnostjo nadgradnje. V prvem delu smo se lotili zasnove vhodnih podatkov, ki jih bomo uporabili pri konstrukciji novega modela. Upoštevali smo zahteve proizvodnje, do katerih smo prišli na osnovi preteklih izkušenj in predvsem pomanjkljivosti dosedanjih modelov. Za osnovo smo se oprli na že obstoječi model prikolice in upoštevali njegove osnovne karakteristike. Pregledali smo dosedanji model ter zabeležili njegove pomanjkljivosti in prednosti. Nato smo se odločili za osnovni koncept, in sicer na podlagi izkušenj v zvezi s prejšnjimi modeli in sedanje prakse, ki se uporablja pri izdelavi prikolic. Cilj naloge je narediti prikolico, katere namen bo prevoz vozil in razsutega tovora ter ki bo imela možnost nadgradnje s ponjavo. Proizvodnja novega modela naj bi bila cenejša, enostavnejša in hitrejša. V drugem delu naloge smo z uporabo računalniških orodij skonstruirali zamišljeni model prikolice. V nadaljevanju smo določili obremenitve, ki bodo delovale na našo konstrukcijo. Na osnovi dobljenih vrednosti smo izvedli analitično in numerično analizo konstrukcije. Po končanih analizah smo ocenili dobljene vrednosti in izbrali najprimernejšo varianto.
Keywords:avtomobilska prikolica, nosilnost konstrukcije, trdnostne analize
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[P. Šmigoc]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44666 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18212630 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.10.2014
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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Secondary language

Title:Design of car trailer
Abstract:The aim of this diploma thesis is to conceive a new model of the trailer, produced by the company TPV Prikolice, d.o.o. The existing model TBH is a trailer intended for the transport of vehicles, which we would like to transform into a multipurpose trailer that can be upgraded. In the first part, we deal with the concept of preparing input data, which will be used when designing the new model. We took into account the production requirements, gathered on the basis of past experience and, above all, when considering disadvantages of existing models. We used the existing model as the basis and considered its basic characteristics. We checked the existing model and recorded its advantages and disadvantages. Then we determined the basic concept, on the basis of experience gathered when dealing with previous models and based on the current practice used when producing trailers. The aim of the thesis is to produce a trailer that will be intended for the transport of vehicles and of bulky goods and that will be upgradeable with a tarpaulin. The production of the new model should be cheaper, simpler and faster. In the second part, we designed the conceived trailer model, using computer tools. Furthermore, we determined overloads working on the structure. On the basis of values acquired in this way, we analysed the structure analytically and numerically. After having concluded the analysis we assessed the results and selected the most optimal version.
Keywords:car trailer, construction’s capacity, strength analysis


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