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Authors:ID Gašpirc, Simon (Author)
ID Leskovar, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kofjač, Davorin (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Gaspirc_Simon_2014.pdf (2,15 MB)
MD5: CCDE16141E8C9B5DE5893B43901A25B0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Operaterji širokopasovnih storitev imajo v lasti veliko število naprav, ki so locirane v prostorih strank (v nadaljevanju CPE – Customer Premises Equipment). Mednje štejemo telefone, internetne usmerjevalce, TV-komunikatorje in podobne naprave. Za upravljanje CPE se vedno bolj uporabljajo rešitve, ki temeljijo na komunikacijskem protokolu, opisanem v tehničnem poročilu TR-069 skupine The Broadband Forum. V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali komunikacijo med CPE in strežnikom za samodejno konfiguracijo in aktivacijo CPE. Osredotočili smo se na dva scenarija: • aktiviranje CPE, ki že podpira protokol TR-069; • aktiviranje CPE, ki protokola TR-069 še ne podpira. Postopke aktiviranja in konfiguriranja smo izvajali v testnem okolju. Večina CPE konkretnega operaterja protokola TR-069 še ne podpira. Ugotovili smo, da je protokol TR-069 primeren za množično oddaljeno upravljanje in vzdrževanje CPE. Protokol TR-069 uvedemo v omrežje s postavitvijo strežnika za samodejno konfiguracijo ter aktivacijo s protokolom TR-069 kompatibilnih CPE. Ugotovili smo tudi, da lahko določenim CPE, ki protokola TR-069 še ne podpirajo, z ustreznim postopkom posodobimo verzijo operacijskega sistema, ki protokol podpira. Izmerili smo število in čas trajanja prekinitev delovanja CPE med konfiguriranjem in nadgradnjo.
Keywords:protokol TR-069, protokol CWMP, masovno upravljanje, CPE, SOAP, strežnik za samodejno konfiguracijo
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44596 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7347219 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.09.2014
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Abstract:Broadband operators have a large number of devices that are located at a customer premises (hereinafter referred to as CPE - Customer Premises Equipment). These devices are telephones, home gateways, set-top boxes and similar devices. Solutions based on the communication protocol, described in the technical report TR-069 of The Broadband Forum are increasingly used for the CPE management. In this graduation thesis we analysed the communication between a CPE and an auto configuration server during the process of CPE device activation. We focused on the following two scenarios: • the activation of the CPE already supporting TR-069 protocol; • the activation of the CPE that does not yet support TR-069 protocol. We conducted the activation and migration procedures in a test environment. Most CPE devices of the specific operator do not support TR-069 protocol. We establised that TR-069 protocol is suitable for mass remote management and maintenance of the CPE. With installation of the auto configuration server and activation of the TR-069 capable devices we introduced the TR-069 protocol into the network. We have also found that for certain CPE, which do not support the TR-069 protocol, we can update the version of the operating system to the TR-069 capable version. We measured the number and duration of interruptions during the CPE configuration and upgrade procedure.
Keywords:TR-069 protocol, CWMP protocol, mass management, CPE, SOAP message, auto configuration server


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