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Title:Sprejem agresivnega pacienta na oddelek za psihiatrijo
Authors:ID Horvat, Andrej (Author)
ID Pišlar, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Čelofiga, Andreja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Horvat_Andrej_2014.pdf (514,42 KB)
MD5: 33EC465A62680C9DC6E00C9BB85BF680
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Agresija in nasilje predstavljata velik problem v družbi. Agresija se lahko izrazi v različnih oblikah, od blagih, kot je povzdignjen glas, pa vse do nenadnega fizičnega napada. Najpogosteje je prisotna verbalna agresija, kot so grožnje, izzivanja. Agresivni izbruhi imajo neugoden vpliv na zdravje, varnost in dobro počutje ostalih pacientov in oddelčnega osebja. Medicinske sestre in zdravstveni tehniki imajo visoko stopnjo tveganja, da so žrtve agresivnega vedenja s strani pacientov. V diplomskem delu smo opisali najpogostejše duševne motnje, ki so povezane z agresijo, ter vlogo medicinske sestre in ostalih članov zdravstvenega tima pri sprejemu agresivnega pacienta. Opisana je komunikacija z agresivnim pacientom in deeskalacijske tehnike, ki se uporabljajo v praksi. Diplomsko delo je teoretičnega značaja. Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. S pomočjo sistematičnega iskanja literature po knjižnicah in bibliografskih bazah ter z iskanjem spletne literature, zloženk smo pregledali in kritično analizirali domačo in tujo strokovno literaturo ter vire, ki se navezujejo na našo temo. Podatke smo preučili, uredili, analizirali, sistematizirali in jih zapisali v računalniškem programu Microsoft Word. S prebiranjem domače in tuje literature smo ugotovili, katere motnje so najbolj povezane z agresijo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da z uporabo posebnih tehnik v praksi lahko zmanjšamo stopnjo agresivnosti. Agresija je pogost spremljevalec duševnih motenj. Ustrezen pristop k agresivnemu pacientu zmanjša stopnjo agresije in s tem tudi lajša nadaljnjo obravnavo na oddelku. Zelo pomembni so preventivni ukrepi. Ocena stopnje tveganja za agresivno vedenje je eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov v preprečevanju agresivnega vedenja. K pacientu usmerjena komunikacija omogoča razvoj dobrega terapevtskega odnosa. Uporaba deeskalacijskih tehnik lahko prepreči stopnjevanje in izbruh agresije in zmanjša potrebo po bolj restriktivnih ukrepih za obvladovanje agresije.
Keywords:agresija, duševne motnje, obravnava, komunikacija, deeskalacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Horvat]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44309 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2025636 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Aggressive patient's admission in the psychiatric department
Abstract:Aggression and violence present a major problem in the society. Aggression can be expressed in many forms, ranging from mild aggression, like raising the voice, to a sudden physical attack. Aggressive behavior displays itself most often in the form of threats and provocations. Outbursts of aggression have a negative effect on the health, safety and well-being of the patients and staff members. Nursing staff are at particular risk of encountering aggression and violence. In the degree thesis we have examined mental disorders that are linked to violent behavior and the role of members of the nursing staff in the patients admission to the ward. We describe the communication and de-escalation techniques that are used in practice with the management of aggression. The thesis is a theoretical model and we used a descriptive method. The critical analysis has been done with the use of systematic gathering of the available literature in libraries, bibliographical bases and other sources. The findings were assessed, analyzed, systematized, organized and written in the Microsoft word programme. By studying the existing literature on the subject, we identified the mental disorders that are linked to aggression and the most commonly used strategies for prevention and management of aggression. Violence is often linked with mental disorders. The use of adequate techniques can decrease the possibility of an outburst of violence and has a positive effect on the further inpatient treatment. The preventive measures pose a significant factor as well as the assessment of the risk for aggressive behavior for reducing violence in the inpatient wards. The basic component to develop a therapeutical relation with the patient is patient-centered communication. The use of de-escalation techniques can prevent a violent incident and reduce the need for employing more restrictive methods to manage aggression.
Keywords:aggression, mental disorders, management, communication, de-escalation.


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