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Title:Iskalne akcije pod vodstvom policije - uporaba reševalnih psov za iskanje pogrešanih oseb : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Mohorič, Sebastian (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Mohoric_Sebastian_2014.pdf (693,65 KB)
MD5: 93E6C48A50AB1067A6E6328C2AD83665
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni različni profili pogrešanih oseb in njihove specifične značilnosti, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri vodenju iskalne akcije. Nadalje smo predstavili Sile za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč pod okriljem Uprave Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje (v nadaljevanju: URSZR), sistem organiziranosti, izobraževanj in usposabljanj vodnikov ter reševalnih psov v okviru Enote reševalnih psov Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: EPRS), pogoje za vključitev reševalnih parov v Skupino za iskanje pogrešanih oseb (v nadaljevanju: SIP) pri Kinološki zvezi Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: KZS),ki je ena izmed številnih reševalnih enot Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč pod okriljem URSZR in način aktiviranja Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč. Predstavljena so navodila, načrti oziroma usmeritve za aktiviranje Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč s strani policije, ERPS pri KZS in URSZR. Pri proučevanju dostopne literature smo ugotovili, da je sistem Sil zaščite, reševanja in pomoč urejen profesionalno, čeprav velika večina enot omenjenega sistema dela na prostovoljni bazi. S pomočjo tuje literature smo v diplomskem delu predstavili različne profile pogrešanih oseb in njihove specifične značilnosti, katere bi moral upoštevati vodja iskalne akcije pri načrtovanju in vodenju. Profilov pogrešanih oseb in njihovih značilnosti pri proučevanju dostopne literature tako policije kot URSZR nismo zasledili. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da imajo vse tri organizacije, ki so udeležene v iskalnih akcijah, med seboj usklajene načrte aktiviranja Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč, ki pa se v praksi najpogosteje ne uporabljajo v predpisanem obsegu. Sistem aktiviranja Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč zelo dobro poteka ob naravnih nesrečah, operativne štabe v teh primerih vodi Civilna zaščita. Samo aktiviranje Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč, s strani policije, ki vodi iskalne akcije pogrešanih oseb, pa je zaradi slabšega poznavanja sistema Sil za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč, predvsem enote vodnikov reševalnih pasov, znotraj same policije slabše. V primerjavi z Avstrijo in Hrvaško je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima le Slovenija za iskanje pogrešanih oseb urejeno enotno za območje celotne države, kar je iz vidika organiziranja iskalnih akcij zelo dobro, saj pri prijavi pogrešanih oseb ni dileme kdo je pristojen za vodenje iskalne akcije in kdo ne. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da Srbija uvaja profesionalne enote vodnikov reševalnih psov. Z uvajanjem sistema profesionalizacije so na začetku, tako se bo šele čez čas pokazalo, ali je omenjeni sistem na pravi poti ali ne. V drugih evropskih državah se profesionalizacija enot reševalnih psov ni uveljavila v obsegu, kot so zagovorniki le te, pričakovali. Na koncu diplomskega dela ugotavljamo, da policija, kljub velikemu številu pogrešanih oseb in s tem povezanih iskalnih akcij, v samem sistemu nima izdelanega načrta – opomnika za vodenja iskalne akcije pogrešane osebe, ki bi bil v pomoč vodjem iskalne akcije. Sedaj je samo vodenje iskalne akcije prepuščeno iznajdljivosti in izkušenosti vodje iskalne akcije. Na koncu diplomskega dela predlagam kako naj bi potekalo vodenje iskalne akcije pogrešane osebe, s čimer bi se skrajšal čas aktiviranja, prav tako bi se izognili določenim logističnim problemom, predvsem pa bi hitreje in učinkoviteje uporabili Sile za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč. Vsi sodelujoči v iskalni akciji stremimo za enim – skupnim ciljem, čim hitreje, najti pogrešano osebo in jo vrniti v njeno domače okolje. Za uspešno izvedeno iskalno akcijo, pa je največkrat odločilen ravno čas.
Keywords:pogrešane osebe, iskalne akcije, reševalni psi, vodniki, policija, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Mohorič]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44164 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2796778 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.05.2014
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Abstract:This thesis presents different profiles of missing persons and their specific characteristics that need to be considered in the management of search and rescue operations. Furthermore, we present the protection, rescue and relief forces under the auspices of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje, hereinafter referred to as: URSZR), organisation, education and training system of handlers and rescue dogs in the Rescue Dog Units of Slovenia (Enota reševalnih psov Slovenije, hereinafter referred to as: EPRS), conditions for the inclusion of rescue pairs into the Group for Missing Persons Search (Skupina za iskanje pogrešanih oseb, hereinafter referred to as: SIP) in the Slovene Kennel Club (Kinološka zveza Slovenije, hereinafter referred to as: KZS), which is one of numerous rescue units amongst the protection, rescue and relief forces under the auspices of URSZR and a method of activation of the protection, rescue and relief forces. We also present guidelines and directions for the activation of protection, rescue and relief forces by the police, ERPS under KZS and URSZR. When studying the available literature we came to the conclusion, that the protection, rescue and relief forces are organises professionally, even though the vast majority of the units of the aforementioned system operates on a volunteer basis. With the help of foreign literature we presented different profiles of missing persons and their specific characteristics that should be considered by the operation leader in the planning and managing of the search and rescue operation. We did not find profiles of the missing persons and their characteristics during the study of the available literature by the police or URSZR. We concluded that all three organisations, involved in search and rescue operations, have mutually coordinated plans for the activation of the protection, rescue and relief forces. Nevertheless, these plans are usually not implemented in the predetermined scope. The system for the activation of the protection, rescue and relief forces is executed very well during natural disasters, as the operation headquarters are in these instances run by the Civil Protection Service, whereas the activation of the protection, rescue and relief forces by the police, which executes search and rescue operations, is worse, due to poor knowledge of the system of the protection, rescue and relief forces, particularly of the units of rescue dogs handlers. In comparison with Austria and Croatia we concluded, that only Slovenia has an organised unit for search and rescue operations in the entire territory of the country, which represents a distinct advantage for the management of search and rescue operations, as there is no confusion in the case of a missing person regarding the management jurisdiction of the search and rescue operation. We also established that Serbia is implementing professional units of rescue dog handlers. The professionalization system is only in the initial phase, so only time will tell, if it is on the right track. In other European countries the professionalization of rescue dog units has not been implemented in the scope expected by its proponents. At the end of the thesis we also established, that the police, despite numerous missing persons and consequent search and rescue operations, has no implemented plan or notification service in its system that could help search and rescue operation leaders. Currently the management of the search and rescue operation is left to the ingenuity and experience of the search and rescue operation leader. Lastly we also suggest methods for the management of the search and rescue operation for a missing person, which could be used to reduce the activation time and avoid certain logistical problems, but predominantly enable a faster and more effective use of the protection, rescue and relief forces. All participants of a search and rescue operation strive for one thing, a common goal: to find


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