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Authors:ID Novak, Manica (Author)
ID Boršič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Novak_Manica_2014.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 95DAAA880697BDA91B83F75B6128F795
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Z ustanovitvijo Evropske monetarne unije se je za države članice mnogo stvari spremenilo. Po začetnih letih gospodarskega razcveta, ko je kazalo, da EMU deluje dobro, so se s krizo pokazale nekatere slabosti v zasnovi. Če je prej veljalo, da so vse makroekonomske razlike, ki se pojavljajo med državami članicami le del normalnega procesa konvergence, pa so sedaj ta ista neravnovesja glavni razlog za skrb. EMU je po tem, ko je kazalo, da je najhujšega konec, prizadela dolžniška kriza do katere je prišlo zaradi kombinacije izgube konkurenčnosti in visoke zadolženosti številnih držav članic. To je vodilo do edinstvenih pretresov na finančnih trgih, ki so vse skupaj le še poslabšali. Zaradi velike medsebojne povezanosti in soodvisnosti držav članic, se je nestabilnost hitro začela prenašati iz ene države v drugo in je kmalu zajela celotno območje EMU. Ker je EMU le monetarna unija, ne pa tudi fiskalna unija, so se razlike med državami le še povečevale. Ta kriza je pokazala, da je potrebna večja koordinacija politik in v ta namen je Evropska Komisija že sprejela dodatne ukrepe. Problem EMU je tudi, da države članice niso bile kaznovane, kadar makroekonomski indikatorji niso bili znotraj meja predpisanih z Maastrichtskimi kriteriji.
Keywords:makroekonomska neravnovesja, Evropska monetarna unija, saldo tekočega računa, konkurenčnost evroobmočja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Novak]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-44029 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11720220 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.05.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:With the establishment of the European Monetary Union, plenty of things have changed for the member states. After the early years of economic boom, which indicated an efficient operation, the following economic crisis exposed the design weaknesses. If it was previously considered that all macroeconomic differences between the members states are just a part of the normal convergence process, the same unbalances are now the main concern. After it indicated that the worst is over, the EMU was affected by the debt crisis, which was a consequence of a combination between the loss of competitiveness and the high indebtedness of various member states. This lead to unique shocks on the financial markets, which worsened the whole situation even more. Due to the high interconnectedness and interdependence between the member states, the instability fast transmitted from one country to another and soon enfolded the whole EMU. Since the EMU is just a monetary and not a fiscal union as well, the differences between the states expanded. This crisis showed that the greater coordination of policies is needed. Based on that, the European Commission has already taken additional measures. A key problem of the EMU was that member states were not punished, when the macroeconomic indicators were not within the limits prescribed by the Maastricht criteria.
Keywords:macroeconomic unbalances, European Monetary Union, current account balance, competitiveness of the Eurozone


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