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Title:Komunikacijska klima v javnem zavodu
Authors:ID Štih, Anita (Author)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Stih_Anita_2014.pdf (1,38 MB)
MD5: E97976CF219D4B55E9D59BF09C296E89
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V raziskovalni nalogi smo raziskali komunikacijsko klimo v javnem zavodu. Zanimalo nas je, kako komunikacijska klima ter zadovoljstvo s komunikacijo vplivata na zadovoljstvo s službo, kakšne motnje se pojavljajo pri komuniciranju ter kako vplivajo na nastanek konfliktov v javnem zavodu oziroma kako vplivajo na percepcijo komunikacijske klime v javnem zavodu. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako so zaposleni zadovoljni s komuniciranjem ter stopnjo pripadnosti organizaciji. V nadaljevanju nas je zanimalo, kako ta dva dejavnika vplivata na percepcijo komunikacijske klime v javnem zavodu in, ne nazadnje, nas je zanimalo, kako percepcija komunikacijske klime, percepcija organizacijske klime, stopnja zadovoljstva s službo in stopnja obremenitve pri delu vplivajo na zdravstveno stanje zaposlenih v javnem zavodu. Dejansko nas je najbolj zanimalo, kako komunikacijska klima v javnem zavodu vpliva na zdravje zaposlenih. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so uslužbenci javnega zavoda s svojo službo v splošnem precej zadovoljni. Med anketiranci, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi, smo zabeležili srednje visoko pripadnost organizaciji. Glede splošne organizacijske klime smo ugotovili, da splošno vzdušje v organizaciji lahko označimo kot razmeroma dobro. Anketirani zaposleni so nekoliko manj zadovoljni z organizacijo neformalnega druženja zaposlenih. S komuniciranjem in informiranostjo so anketiranci v splošnem dokaj zadovoljni. Tudi analiza indikatorjev celotne komunikacijske klime v organizaciji je pokazala, da so razmere glede komuniciranja s sodelavci in vodilnimi v javnem zavodu na zadovoljivi ravni, medtem ko je zadovoljstvo z nekaterimi drugimi področji bistveno slabše. V raziskavi smo potrdili, da zadovoljstvo z informiranjem in komuniciranjem pozitivno vpliva na celotno zadovoljstvo s službo ter na to, kakšno stopnjo pripadnosti organizaciji čuti zaposleni. Potrdili smo tudi, da ovire v komunikacijskem procesu negativno vplivajo na percepcijo komunikacijske klime. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je vpletenost v konflikt na delovnem mestu nadpovprečno prisotna med anketiranci, ki komunikacijsko klimo zaznavajo kot negativno. Z analizo rezultatov smo potrdili tudi povezanosti med spremenljivkami, da pozitivna percepcija komunikacijske klime in percepcija obeh dejavnikov organizacijske klime (vzdušje v organizaciji in neformalno druženje zaposlenih) pozitivno vplivajo na zdravstveno stanje. Prav tako smo dokazali neposredno pozitivno korelacijo med dejavnikom komuniciranja, ki smo ga izračunali na podlagi različnih vidikov zaznavanja informiranja in komuniciranja v organizaciji, in zdravstvenim stanjem zaposlenih. Zavedamo se, da na zdravstveno stanje zaposlenih v organizaciji vplivajo tudi drugi dejavniki (spol, starost zaposlenih, delovna doba v organizaciji ..), pa vendar je podatek, da komunikacija na delovnem mestu vpliva na zdravje zaposlenih zelo pomemben, saj prispeva k razvoju znanosti na področju komunikacije zaposlenih na delovnem mestu ter na področju vpliva komunikacije na zdravje zaposlenih.
Keywords:komunikacija, komunikacijska klima, javni zavod, zaposleni, zdravje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43972 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7294739 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.06.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Communication Climate in the Public Institute
Abstract:In the research project we have researched communication climate in the public institute. We wanted to find out how communication climate and communication satisfaction influence job satisfaction, what distractions occur in communication and how they influence the origins of conflicts in the public institute as well as how those distractions influence perception of communication climate in it. We also wanted to know how satisfied the employees were with the communication and the level of loyalty to the organization. Further, we were interested in how these two factors influence the perception of communication climate in the public institute and, last but not least, we were interested in how the perception of communication climate, the perception of organization climate, the level of job satisfaction and the level of workload influence the health state of the employees in the public institute. The results have revealed that the employees in the public institute are generally rather satisfied with their jobs. Among the participants in the research, we have ascertained a medium level of loyalty to the organization. With regard to general organization climate we found out that, in general, the general atmosphere in the organization can be described as relatively good. The employees from our research are somewhat less satisfied with the organization of informal socializing of employees. The participants are, again in general, relatively satisfied with communication and informing. Also the analysis of indicators of the overall communication climate in the organization has revealed that the conditions regarding communication with co-workers and the management in the public institute are satisfactory, while the satisfaction with several other areas is significantly lower. It has been confirmed by the research that the satisfaction with informing and communication has a positive effect on the overall job satisfaction as well as on the level of loyalty to the organization. It has also been confirmed that the obstacles in the communication process have a negative effect to the perception of communication climate. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that the involvement into a conflict on the job is above average present among the participants who perceive communication climate as negative. The analysis of the results has also confirmed correlations between variables in which the positive perception of the communication climate and the perception of both factors of organization climate (the atmosphere in the organization and informal socializing of the employees) have a positive effect on health state. We have also proved a direct positive correlation between the factor of communication, which was calculated based on various aspects of perception of informing and communication in the organization and the health state of the employees. We are well aware of the fact that other factors such as gender, age, years of employment etc. affect the health state of the employees in the organization. However, the fact that communication in work place affects the health of the employees is a very important one since it contributes to the development of science in the field of communication of employees in the workplace and also in the field of the influence of communication on the health of the employees.
Keywords:communication, communication climate, public institute, employees, health.


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