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Authors:ID Klasinc, Matjaž (Author)
ID RAHTEN, ANDREJ (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Klasinc_Matjaz_2014.pdf (823,77 KB)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Henrik Tuma je bil učitelj, politik, pravnik, alpinist, publicist, ekonomist in narodni buditelj. Bil je eden izmed najpomembnejših politikov v prvih dveh desetletjih 20. stoletja na Goriškem in med prvo svetovno vojno v Sloveniji. Gimnazijo je Tuma obiskoval v Ljubljani med letoma 1869 in 1874, ki pa je zaradi težav s profesorji ni dokončal, ter se leta 1874 vpisal na učiteljišče in postal učitelj. Maturo je opravil šele leta 1881 na tržaški gimnaziji ter se vpisal na študij prava na Dunaj, ki ga je zaključil leta 1886. Življenjsko pot je nadaljeval v Trstu, kjer je bil pripravnik pri deželnem sodišču. Na sodišču so hitro opazili njegovo sposobnost, zato je hitro napredoval do samostojnega sodnika. Leta 1888 je Tuma opravil še zadnji doktorski izpit ter pridobil naziv doktor. 1889 je opravil še sodniški izpit in začel razmišljati o odvetniški poti, vendar je leta 1890 sprejel mesto sodnika v Tolminu in nato še leta 1894 v Gorici. Njegovo sodniško delo je bilo zaznamovano z bojem za pravice Slovencev na Goriškem za rabo slovenskega jezika, kar ga je spremljalo tudi na začetku politične kariere. V politiko je vstopil leta 1895, ko je bil izvoljen kot poslanec v goriški deželni zbor, kjer so ga kot pravnika imenovali tudi v deželni odbor. V deželnem zboru je bil en mandat, na kar zaradi spora z vodstvom stranke več ni kandidiral ter se leta 1903 za nekaj časa umaknil iz strankarske politike. V tem času je spremenil svojo politično orientacijo, saj se je začel zbliževati s socializmom, posledica česa je bil njegov vstop v Jugoslovansko socialnodemokratsko stranko (JSDS) − leta 1908. Kot zelo izobraženemu in razgledanemu človeku, je hitro rastel tudi njegov vpliv v stranki. Leta 1914 je postal uradni ideolog JSDS, kar je ostal do konec leta 1917, ko se je zaradi različnih ideoloških pogledov začel s stranko razhajati. Njegovo politično misel v teh letih je predstavljal avstromarksizem, v okviru katerega se je zavzemal za obstoj Avstro-Ogrske monarhije kot velikega ekonomskega prostora, del katerega so bili tudi Slovenci, ki so v ta prostor spadali v okviru jugoslovanske ideje, ki je močno vplivala na njegovo politično misel. Po razhodu z JSDS se je po prvi svetovni vojni vključil v italijansko socialdemokratsko stranko. Iz stranke, kakor tudi iz aktivne politike, se je umaknil leta 1921, zaradi razkola v italijanski stranki.
Keywords:Henrik Tuma, avstromarksizem, Avstro-Ogrska monarhija, jugoslovanska ideja, Jugoslovanska socialnodemokratska stranka, prva svetovna vojna, socialna demokracija.
Place of publishing:Barislovci
Publisher:[M. Klasinc]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43536 New window
UDC:94(497.1)"1914/1918":929Tuma H.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:20353032 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.02.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:Henrik Tuma was a teacher, politician, lawyer, alpinist, publicist, economist and national awakener. He was one of the most important politicians in the first two decades of the 20th century in the Goriška region and during World War I in Slovenia. Tuma attended grammar school in Ljubljana between 1869 and 1874, yet did not finish it due to his problems with the teachers, thus he enrolled the college of education in 1874 and became a teacher. Henrik Tuma did not conclude his studies with the matura final exam until 1881 at the grammar school in Trieste. After that he studied law in Vienna, which he concluded in 1886. His life path continued in Trieste where he worked as an apprentice at the provincial court. They soon noticed his competence which consequently led to his promotion to the post of an independent judge. In 1888 Tuma passed his final exam at doctoral studies and acquired the doctoral title. In 1889 he passed the judicial exam and started thinking about becoming a lawyer. However, he accepted the post of a judge in Tolmin and after that in 1894 in Gorizia. Performing the work as a judge, he fought for the rights of the Slovenes in Goriška region to be able to use the Slovene language, and he continued with this also in the beginning of his career as a politician. He started to work in politics in 1895 when he was elected a member of the provincial council in Gorizia, where he was also named a lawyer in the provincial committee. He remained in the provincial committee for one mandate, but then he no longer ran for the post due to the disagreement with the leaders of the party. Consequently, in 1903 he withdrew from the party politics for some time. In the meantime Tuma changed his political orientation towards socialism which resulted in his entry in the Yugoslav Social Democratic Party (JSDS) in 1908. Tuma was an educated and sophisticated man, so his influence in the party quickly increased. In 1914 Henrik Tuma became the official ideologist of JSDS, which he remained until the end of 1917 when he started to part with the party due to ideological differences. His political thought in these years was influenced by Austro-Marxism and, consequently, he supported the survival of Austro-Hungarian monarchy as a great economic area. This area also included Slovenes who belonged to it within the Yugoslav idea, which strongly influenced his political philosophy. Having parted with JSDS, Henrik Tuma joined the Italian Social Democratic Party after World War I. He retired from the party as well as active political life in 1921 due to the division in the Italian party
Keywords:Henrik Tuma, Austro-Marxism, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Yugoslav idea, Yugoslav Social Democratic Party, World War I, social democracy


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