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Title:Vsebinska analiza uslužnega vodenja na primeru redarskih služb v mestnih občinah v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Pinoza, Jasmina (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pinoza_Jasmina_i2013.pdf (1,24 MB)
MD5: 48BD686A704CDC4A8213CC4DC575DF07
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Vodja ni zdaleč le beseda brez pomena in funkcija, ki odpira vrata v svet − je velika odgovornost do zaposlenih, organizacije, družbe in ne nazadnje tudi do samega sebe. Vsakdo pač ne more izpolnjevati pogojev vodje, še posebej tisti, ki ne poznajo organizacije, njene strategije, zaposlenih in tisti, ki nimajo osebnih ciljev in ne cenijo ter ne zaupajo družbi in samemu sebi. Še posebno v zadnjem času je veliko govora, raziskovanj in preučevanj s področja vodenja in na podlagi tega se je razvilo mnogo stilov in metod, ki naj bi bile najboljše za vodenje. Žal pa velikokrat te značilnosti vodenja ostajajo zapisane le na papirju, držijo le za določeno okolje in mnogokrat v praksi ne obrodijo sadov. Kateri je najboljši način vodenja obsega toliko teorij, kot je avtorjev in organizacij, zato je težko slediti in voditi le po določeni metodi oziroma stilu − pogostokrat se med seboj prepletajo in dopolnjujejo. Še vedno pa ostajajo poštenost, odgovornost, spoštovanje, sočutnost do sočloveka in uslužnost vrline, ki naj bi bile temelj vsakega vodje in predstavljajo tudi pot do trajnega uspeha. V sedanjem času, ko je do materialnih dobrin težje priti in zaposlenega težje nagraditi, se od vodij pričakuje, da zaposlenemu izkažejo zahvalo vsak dan, tudi na drugačen (etičen) način in z uslužnim vodenjem. Vsak vodja si želi, da je med zaposlenimi in poslovnimi partnerji priljubljen, spoštovan in je vzor zaposlenim, vendar pa do tega ni kratka in preprosta pot. Zdi se, da so uslužno vodenje in uslužnost skozi čas ter materialne dobrine zbledele in poniknile, vendar prihaja ponovno obdobje, ko se bodo tudi vodje zavedali pomena uslužnosti in dali več poudarka na gradnji odnosov z zaposlenimi. Poznavanje področja uslužnega vodenja smo preverili z raziskavo v neprofitni organizaciji, in sicer je to druga raziskava s tega področja pri nas. Izvedli smo jo v redarskih službah mestnih občin v Sloveniji in na podlagi rezultatov prišli do presenetljivih zaključkov, kjer bi bilo potrebno pred katerokoli spremembo pri vodenju zaposlenih znotraj posamezne občine spremeniti že sam odnos in komunikacijo med vodji občin ter jih povezati oziroma spodbuditi k medsebojnemu sodelovanju. Prav tako sta stik in komunikacija z javnostjo oziroma obveščanje javnosti o poslovanju redarskih služb v povprečju zelo slaba in kljub temu da je javnost potrebno obveščati, se mnogokatere službe temu delu raje izognejo. Majhnost države bi morala biti pri povezovanju in zaupanju drug drugemu prednost, vendar se kaže ravno nasprotno. Že v samem vrhu, med vodji redarskih služb, bi bile potrebne korenite spremembe, utrditi pa bi bilo potrebno tudi zaupanje in odnos med vodji in zaposlenimi − s takšnim načinom bi lahko uslužno vodenje zaživelo na vseh področjih in nivojih ter s tem dalo možnost izboljšavi trenutnega stanja.
Keywords:vodenje, vodja, organizacije, zaposleni, uslužno vodenje, občinsko redarstvo, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Pinoza]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43118 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2711018 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.12.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:A leader is, by far, not only a word without meaning and a function, which offers many opportunities ¬¬¬− it is a great responsibility towards the employees, organisation, society, and after all towards oneself. Not anyone can satisfy the conditions of a leader, especially those, who are not familiar with organisation, its strategy, employees and those, who do not have personal goals and do not value and trust the society and themselves. Many researches and studies in the field of leadership have been conducted recently. As a result, numerous styles and methods which were said to be the best in the field of leadership, have been developed. Unfortunately, these characteristics of leadership are not always put into practice or they function only in certain environment and often do not bring results in practice. Every author or organisation defends their own leadership style which makes it difficult to follow and lead according to one method or style. These methods or styles often intertwine and supplement each other. Fairness, responsibility, respect, sympathy for other people, and servanthood are still virtues that every leader should have and that represent the path to enduring success. Nowadays, when it is more difficult to get material assets and to reward the employees, it is expected from leaders to express gratitude to the employees every day also by other (ethical) means and by servant leadership. Every leader wants to be popular and respected among the employees and business partners and wants to be their role model but this is not an easy task. It seems that servant leadership and servanthood have faded and disappeared in the course of time and because of material assets but there is an era ahead, in which leaders will be aware of the importance of servanthood and will put more emphasis on building community with the employees. We examined the knowledge of servant leadership in a non-profit organisation, which is the second research on this topic in Slovenia. It was conducted among the parking enforcement officers in municipalities in Slovenia and we came to surprising conclusions. The research showed that initially the attitude and communication among the leaders of municipalities should be changed and that connecting and mutual cooperation among them should be encouraged. This should be followed by some changes in the leadership of the employees within the individual municipality. Contacts and communication with the public or informing the public about the operation of parking enforcement services are on average very poor and even though the public should be informed, many services prefer to avoid these tasks. The smallness of the county should be the advantage when connecting and trusting each other but the truth is, that it is exactly the opposite. Fundamental changes should be introduced among the leaders of the parking enforcement services and the trust and relations between the leaders and the employees should be strengthened. In this manner servant leadership would become widely spread in all fields and levels and would open up the possibility to improve the current situation.


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