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Title:Pelvična bolečina - kakovost življenja žensk z dismenorejo
Authors:ID Lukman, Tamara (Author)
ID Nerat, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Lukman_Tamara_2013.pdf (861,89 KB)
MD5: 4177E27D31344F21A15E36A0D3EA633A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Pelvična bolečina je zelo razširjen in resen zdravstveni problem žensk. Bolečina, ki je posledica patološkega dogajanja v telesu ali pa je vezana na menstrualni ciklus, lahko drastično vpliva na kakovost družinskega, socialnega in poklicnega življenja žensk. Pristop k ginekološki pacientki mora biti tako holističen in individualen, saj posegamo v njen najbolj intimen prostor. Kljub vsem metodam zdravljenja dismenoreje s strani uradne medicine, pa se vedno več žensk odloča za alternativne oblike zdravljenja, ki se nemalokrat izkažejo za uspešnejše in učinkovitejše. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pelvično bolečino in dismenorejo ter ugotoviti, ali bolečina med menstruacijo vpliva na kakovost življenja žensk. Raziskovalna metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Izvedli smo raziskavo med 104 ženskami, ki so se odzvale povabilu in rešile anketni vprašalnik objavljen na spletu. Anketni vprašalnik je bil anonimen, vseboval je 23 vprašanj. Rezultate smo analizirali in sistematično uredili s pomočjo računalniških programov Microsoft Word in Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da določeni dejavniki, kot je stres, lahko vplivajo na nastanek ali poslabšanje epizod dismenoreje. Bolečine, ki se večinoma pojavljajo prvi in drugi dan menstruacije, spremljajo še težave kot so driska, slabost, bruhanje in psihična razdražljivost. Povprečna ocena bolečine, v dneh, ko je bolečina najmočnejša je bila 6,3 po VAS lestvici. Ženske nasvete glede lajšanja bolečin iščejo predvsem na spletu in pri prijateljicah, ki imajo podobne težave. Najpogostejše alternativne metode lajšanja bolečin med menstruacijo so topli obkladki, telovadba in masaža. Pri uporabi protibolečinskih sredstev prevladujejo Naprosin, Lekadol in Nalgesin. Bolečine ob menstruaciji lahko ženskam povzročajo določene težave pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih obveznosti. Sklep: Dismenoreja po rezultatih ankete ne slabša kvalitete življenja. Kljub temu, pa v dneh, ko so bolečine najmočnejše, le te lahko ovirajo ženske pri opravljanju določenih vsakodnevnih obveznosti. Prav je, da ženska, ki trpi za dismenorejo obišče svojega ginekologa, da ta pravi čas odkrije morebitne organske vzroke bolečin in prepreči napredovanje bolezni, ki lahko vodi v neplodnost.
Keywords:pelvična bolečina, dismenoreja, kakovost življenja, medicinska sestra, alternativne metode zdravljenja bolečin.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Lukman]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43072 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1983140 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical frameworks: Pelvic pain is a very widely extended and serious health problem of women. The pain, which is of a pathological source or a side effect from the menstrual cycle, can drastically affect the quality of the family, social and professional life of women. The approach to a gynecological patient has to be holistic as well as individual, since we interfere with her most intimate space. Although there are several methods for treatment of dysmenorrhea according to modern medicine, more and more women decide for an alternative treatment, which often proves itself as a more successful and effective one. Aim: The main aim of this graduation thesis is to present pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea, and to find out whether or not it affects the quality of women’s lives. Research methodology: In our graduation thesis we used descriptive methodology. 104 women participated in the research, which responded to the invitation and filled out a questionnaire online. The questionnaire was anonymous and consisted of 23 questions. We analyzed and systematically edited the results with the programs, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Results: The results showed that some factors, such as stress, can cause the formation or deterioration of dysmenorrheal episodes. Pain, which usually occurs on the first and second day of the menstrual cycle, is accompanied with other symptoms as well, such as: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and mental irritability. The approximate pain level according to VAS ranking was 6.3, in the days when the pain was in its peak. Women seek advice for pain relief mostly online and with friends, who have similar problems. Mostly women use warm compresses, exercise and massages as an alternative method for pain relief. When taking medication for pain women usually take: Naprosin, Lekadol and Nalgesin. Pain can cause women certain problems in the performance of everyday chores. . Conclusion: According to results dysmenorrhea does not deteriorate the quality of women’s lives. Although in days when the pain is in its peak, it can impede women at the performance of their daily routine. Women with dismenorrhea should visit their gynecologist in time, so that the doctor can find any organic reasons for it and prevent the progression of an illness, which might otherwise lead to infertility.
Keywords:pelvic pain, dismenorrhea, quality of life, nurse, alternative methods for pain relief


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