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Title:KLIENTELIZEM (kriminološki vidik)
Authors:ID Lešnik, Jerneja (Author)
ID Dežman, Zlatan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Lesnik_Jerneja_2013.pdf (1,27 MB)
MD5: 584DD8922B70A5FB9D0DEA639EB97130
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V pričujočem delu obravnavamo aktualno problematiko današnje družbe - pojav klientelizma. Poleg kronizma in nepotizma je klientelizem eden izmed pogosteje prisotnih koruptivnih pojavov znotraj državnih institucij in nasploh javne uprave, kot tudi v zasebnem sektorju. Klientelistična ravnanja povzročajo številne negativne posledice na področju razvoja gospodarstva in, kar je najhuje, hkrati pripeljejo tudi do množičnega nezaupanja ljudi v najpomembnejše državne institucije in v pravno državo. V naši družbi je klientelizem postal del vsakdana. Vzrok za to je moč najti v razmeroma visoki toleranci, ki dopušča bohotenje in razraščanje tega koruptivnega pojava znotraj javne uprave, predvsem pa v politiki, ki ima pomemben vpliv odločanja v državi. Glavna dilema se nanaša na pravno urejenost klientelizma, pri čemer Zakon o integriteti in preprečevanju korupcije ureja institut nasprotja interesov, ki služi odpravljanju in preprečevanju klientelizma in nepotizma javnih uslužbencev. V določbah, ki urejajo nasprotje interesov, ni jasne oziroma izrecne omembe klientelizma, kar samo še poveča zapletenost in nejasnost pravil ter zmedenost tistih, katerih se določbe tičejo. Sicer predstavlja nasprotje interesov v izvajanju javnih nalog v državi enega ključnih stebrov delovanja pravne države, zaupanja v demokratične institucije, transparentnosti, enakopravnosti in objektivnosti odločanja v javnih zadevah ter razpolaganja z javnimi sredstvi. Za učinkovitejši in uspešnejši boj zoper klientelizem in nasploh korupcijo je potrebno dvigniti etične standarde in okrepiti integriteto ter pravno državo, s tem pa uveljaviti ničelno toleranco do prav vseh koruptivnih ravnanj. Za boljši nadzor nad delovanjem javnih uslužbencev ter funkcionarjev je nujno potrebna transparentnost in odgovornost pri njihovem opravljanju javnih funkcij.
Keywords:korupcija, klientelizem, politika, javna uprava, nasprotje interesov, nepotizem, kronizem, integriteta, transparentnost, etika.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Lešnik]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-43017 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4600363 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.01.2014
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Secondary language

Abstract:In my thesis a current topic that is present in each society is described – the phenomena of clientelism. Besides nepotism and cronyism, clientelism is one of the most corruptive phenomena occurring within the government institutions and the public administration, as well as in the private sector. Clientelistic practices have many negative effects on the economic development, but also lead to massive distrust in the most important public institutions as well as in the rule of law. In our society clientelism became a part of everyday life. The reason for this can be found in relatively high tolerance for clientelism, which allows proliferation of corrupt phenomena within the public administration, especially in politics, which has a significant influence in decision-making in Slovenia. The main dilemma refers to the legal regulation of clientelism, where the Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act regulates the institute of conflicts of interest, which serves the elimination and prevention of clientelism and nepotism within the public administration. The provisions governing conflicts of interest are not mentioning clientelism clearly and explicitly, which expands the complexity and ambiguity of the rules. and confusion of those provisions which concern you. Within the performance of public duties, conflicts of interest presents one of the key pillars of the rule of law as well as trust in democratic institutions, transparency, equality and objectivity in decision-making in public affairs and the disposition of public funds. For efficient and effective fight against clientelism and corruption in general, it is needed to not only raise the ethical standards and integrity but also to strengthen the rule of law; thus enforce a zero-tolerance practices towards corruption. It is very important that decisions and actions of those in government are transparent and carried out under responsibility, so that the public is able to access such information.
Keywords:corruption, clientelism, politics, public administration, conflicts of interest, nepotism, cronyism, integrity, transparency, ethics.


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