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Authors:ID Leskovar, Klavdija (Author)
ID Pišlar, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Blažun, Helena (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Leskovar_Klavdija_2013.pdf (3,02 MB)
MD5: BF8405CA1954FD13BF3B8D10BFA565D8
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Osebe s težavami v duševne zdravju se težje socialno vključujejo, saj so pogosto deležni stigmatizacije s strani družbe. Sodobna informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT) ponuja mnoge možnosti in priložnosti za večjo kakovost življenja osebam s težavami v duševnem zdravju, zaradi česar je bil namen diplomskega dela preučiti nivo uporabe IKT ter vpliv in potenciale pri obravnavi, rehabilitaciji in nato ponovnemu vključevanju oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju v družbo. Metode: V sklopu izvedene raziskave smo razvili nestandardiziran anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval 30 anketnih vprašanj. Pri anketiranju je sodelovalo 100 anketirancev iz 16 enot organizacije Ozara Slovenija. Uporabili smo kvantitativno in kvalitativno metodologijo raziskovanja. V okviru kvantitativne raziskave smo s pomočjo programa IBM SPSS Statistic 19 izvedli analizo frekvenc, analizo srednjih vrednosti, križnih tabel, Hi-kvadrat test in Spearmanov test, v okviru kvalitativne analize pa smo izvedli integrativno vsebinsko analizo. Na podlagi rezultatov smo pripravili ustrezno interpretacijo skozi katero smo odgovorili na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Rezultati: Rezultati izvedene raziskave so pokazali, da osebe s težavami v duševnem zdravju sodobno IKT v veliki meri uporabljajo, in sicer prevladuje gledanje televizije (92 %), uporaba mobilnega telefona (89 %), poslušanje radia (83 %), uporaba računalnika (62 %), v najmanjši meri in sicer v 15 % pa anketirani uporabljajo prenosni multimedijski predvajalnik. S Spearmanovim koeficientom korelacije smo ugotovili obratno sorazmernost med pogostostjo uporabe računalnika in starostjo, kar pomeni, da starejši kot so ljudje, manj uporabljajo računalnik, ter mlajši kot so ljudje, bolj uporabljajo računalnik. Diskusija: Ljudem s težavami v duševnem zdravju predstavlja sodobna IKT pomembno sredstvo za prebiranje novic, prav tako pa tudi kot sredstvo za sporazumevanje s prijatelji in znanci. Raziskave so na področju uporabe IKT s strani oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju nekoliko redkejše, vendar pa glede na dejstvo, da so prav rezultati naše raziskave pokazali pozitiven vpliv uporabe IKT bi bilo potrebno v prihodnosti več sredstev nameniti prav izvajanju raziskav na tem področju, primerne bi bile predvsem dodatne longitudinalne študije, ki bi se osredotočale predvsem na vpliv uporabe IKT preko neposrednega preučevanja indikatorjev kakovosti življenja.
Keywords:duševno zdravje, duševna bolezen, hospitalizacija, rehabilitacija, informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT).
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Leskovar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42781 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1960868 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.11.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction: People with mental disorders have many times difficulties with social integration, since they are facing with stigma almost all the time during their social inclusion. Modern information and communication technology (ICT) is media which offers various options and opportunities for a better quality of life in general and specially to people with mental disorders; therefore the purpose of this diploma work was to study the level of ICT usage by people with mental disorders and its potential in the treatment, in rehabilitation and in re-integration into society. Methods: Within the study we have developed non-standardized questionnaire, which included 30 questions. In the survey participated 100 respondents from 16 Ozara Slovenija units. We used quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Quantitative data were analysed with the program IBM SPSS Statistic 19 within which we performed various analysis such as frequency analysis, analysis of mean values, cross tables, Hi-square test and Spearman’s test. On this basis we prepared a proper interpretation in a manner to be able to answer predefined research questions. Results: Research results showed increased use of ICT among people with mental disorders; in particularly they use modern ICT for watching television (92 %,) using mobile phones (89 %), listening radio (83 %), using computer (62 %) and to a little less extent they are using a portable media players (mp3 player, iPod etc.) (15 %). With Spearman correlation coefficient we found out inversely proportional significant correlation between the frequency of computer use and age; meaning that older the people are less they are using computer and younger the people are more frequently they are using computer. Discussion: For people with mental disorders modern ICT represents important means for reading the news, and important tool for communication with friends and acquaintances. Research in the field of mental disorders in connection with ICT are rare; however the results of this study showed a positive effect of usage by people with mental disorders; therefore in the future it is necessary to financially support the development of this particular research field.
Keywords:mental health, mental illness, hospitalisation, rehabilitation, information and communication technology (ICT).


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