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Authors:ID Čampelj, Borut (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Vladislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jereb, Eva (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DR_Campelj_Borut_2014.pdf (1,91 MB)
MD5: 0754EA7CE8B2F692BDA89EBEC87A2BD8
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Proces informatizacije posamezne šole je v zadnjih letih ponovno eden pomembnejših področij šolstva, ki se razvija v sinergiji z ostalimi širšimi ali ožjimi dejavnostmi: vodenje šole, samoevalvacija, učinki izobraževanja itd. V ta namen šole potrebujejo nove konkretne pristope in orodja, ki jim bodo v pomoč pri načrtovanju, izvajanju in evalvaciji teh dejavnosti. V raziskovalni nalogi smo razvili model samoocenjevanja stopnje informatizacije šole, ki zajema neprekinjeno zanko: reševanje samoevalvacijskega vprašalnika, refleksijo dobljenih rezultatov z namenom poenotenja pogleda različnih deležnikov izobraževanja na obstoječe stanje in razumevanje celovitosti informatizacije šole ter na podlagi tega spremembe pri nadaljnjem načrtovanju in posledično izvajanju dejavnosti na šoli. Na podlagi teoretičnih in praktičnih izhodišč ter lastnih izkušenj smo samoevalvacijski vprašalnik razvili in preizkusili v obliki večparametrskega hierarhičnega modela. Drevo kriterijev zajema tri glavna področja: »šola in okolje«, »učitelji in e-skupnosti« ter »učenci in polje bivanja«. Model smo preizkusili in testirali na šolah. Rezultati so pokazali, da uporabnikom omogoča celovit in poenoten pogled na informatizacijo posamezne šole, prav tako pa omogoča vključitev vseh deležnikov: ravnatelja oz. vodstvo šole, učitelje in druge strokovne delavce šole ter učence in starše. Vključene šole in strokovnjaki so razviti model ocenili kot učinkovito orodje za oceno trenutnega stanja, ki lahko pripomore h kakovostnejšemu nadaljnjemu načrtovanju in izvajanju procesa informatizacije. V raziskovalnem projektu smo povezali teorijo in prakso procesa samoevalvacije in njenega vpliva na nadaljnje načrtovanje s teorijo odločitvenih znanj, uporabili kvalitativna hierarhična večparametrska programska orodja odločanja in tako prispevali k nadaljnjemu raziskovanju in nadgradnji informatizacije šolstva.
Keywords:šola, IKT, stopnja informatizacije, samoevalvacija, model
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42738 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:280414208 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.07.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:The process of school informatisation in the last years represents one of the important areas of education, which is being developed in synergy with other broad or narrow activities: school leadership, self-evaluation, effects of education etc. Schools need new approaches and practical tools to support planning, implementation and evaluation of these activities. We developed a model for self-assessment of level of school informatisation. It includes a continuous loop: solving the self-evaluation questionnaire, reflecting the results obtained to unify the view of different stakeholders on the current situation and comprehensive understanding of the school informatisation and on the basis of this change with further planning and implementation the activities at the school. Based on the theoretical and practical background and our own experience we developed a multi-attribute hierarchical model of school informatisation. A tree of criteria covers three main areas: “the school and environment”, “teachers and online communities”, and “students and environment”. The model was piloted and tested in schools. The results showed that enables users a comprehensive and unified view of the computerization of the individual schools, but also allows the inclusion of all stakeholders: principal or school management, teachers and other professional school staff and students and parents. Piloted schools and experts evaluated the model as an excellent tool for assessing the current situation which may lead to a higher level of further planning and implementation of the school informatisation. The development project linked the theory and practice of self-evaluation process, the impact on future planning and implementation with the theory of decision-making process. We used a qualitative hierarchical multi-attribute decision-making tools and thereby contributed to further development and improvement of the school informatisation.
Keywords:school, ICT, level informatisation, selfevaluation, model


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