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Title:Reološke in druge lastnosti pire (Triticum spelta L.) glede na različne pridelovalne sisteme
Authors:ID Ritter, Tjaša (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Ritter_Tjasa_2013.pdf (1,16 MB)
MD5: 4DB14F9ED90A9E79C59D8A67BD1C3867
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Pridelovalni sistemi lahko vplivajo na nekatere kakovostne parametre pridelkov. V diplomskem delu je bila analizirana požetvena kakovost pire (Triticum spelta L.) cv. 'Ebners Rotkorn' ki je bila pridelana v letu 2012 na UKC Pohorski dvor v različnih pridelovalnih sistemih: konvencionalni (KONV), integrirani (INT), ekološki (EKO) in biodinamični (BD) ter kontrola (K). Vzorci so bili analizirani na Inštitutu za prehransko tehnologijo v Novem Sadu, z namenom ovrednotiti kakovostne parametre zrnja, moke in testa. Pri tem so bile analize opravljene na, poleg širše uveljavljenih napravah in metodah (Brabender - farinograf, ekstenzograf, amilograf in Chopin - alveograf), tudi z novo analitično reološko metodo (Chopin - mixolab). Rezultati kažejo, da pridelovalni sistem statistično značilno vpliva le na 6 (absolutna masa zrnja, delež zrnja granulacije pri sitih velikosti 2,0 mm, vpijanje vode, čas in navor v fazi C2 ter navor v fazi C5) od 48-ih analiziranih parametrov. Izvedena primerjava parametrov mixolab in parametrov analiziranih z uveljavljenimi napravami kaže čvrste oziroma zelo čvrste korelacije (r > 0,50 in r > 0,75) med parametri navor v fazi C1 in vlažnim glutenom, med stabilnostjo testa in parametri P, W in vlažni gluten, med parametrom navor v fazi C2 in parametroma P/L ter L, med parametrom vpijanjem vode in parametri vsebnost beljakovin, vlažni gluten, gluten v zrnju in s sedimentacijski indeks. Diskriminantna analiza je pokazala segregacijo med posameznimi pridelovalnimi sistemi, kljub temu pa EKO in BD pridelovalna sistema ne dajeta po kakovosti slabših pridelkov v primerjavi s KONV in INT.
Keywords:pira, pridelovalni sistem, kakovost, reologija testa, mixolab
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42236 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.09.2013
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Secondary language

Title:Rheological and other characteristics of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) according to different production systems
Abstract:Cultivation systems of crops can affect some quality parameters of yields. The object of this thesis was to analyze afterharvest quality of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) cv. 'Ebners Rotkorn' which was sown in October 2011 and harvested in June 2012 at UKC Pohorski dvor. It was produced by different production systems: conventional (KONV), integrated (INT), organic (EKO), biodynamic (BD) and control (K). Samples were analyzed at the Institute for Food Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia with purpose to evaluate the quality parameters of grain, flour and dough. The analyses were performed on classical (Brabender - farinograph, extensograph, amilograph and Chopin - alveograph) and also on new rheological (analitical) method (Chopin - mixolab). The results indicate that the production systems significantly affect only on 6 (absolute weight, the proportion of grains with grain size of 2,0 mm sieves, water absorption, time and torque in phase C2 and torque in phase C5) from 48 analyzed parameters.There were also a few measurements made with correlations between mixolab parameters and parameters analyzed with already established devices. In this measurements statistically significant and strong to very strong correlations (r > 0,50 in r > 0,75) can be seen between parameters torque C1 and wet gluten, stability of the dough and parameters P, W and wet gluten, between parameters torque in C2 with P/L and L, water absorption is correlated with protein content, wet gluten, gluten in grains and sedimentation index. Discriminant analysis showed segregation between different production systems, however EKO and BD production systems do not provide poorer quality of yields compared to KONV and INT.
Keywords:spelt, production system, quality, rheology of dough, mixolab


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