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Authors:ID Kokalj, Luka (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:URL MAG_Kokalj_Luka_2013.pdf (2,42 MB)
MD5: 3AC3397F3D72F435FDED1C7009AD3496
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava hotelsko tematiko podpore oddelka sobaric s predlaganim informatiziranim modelom. Zaradi zastarelega načina dela in slabega posodabljanja procesov je podpora oddelku še vedno na nivoju vnosa podatkov na papir, ročnega vpisovanja, razvrščanja in računanja. Na tak način zbrani podatki so zahtevni za obdelovanje, pregled kot tudi iskanje po njih pa je precej zamudno. Trg postaja vse bolj nepredvidljiv in zahteva hitre odzive, prav tako se poraja želja po večji ekonomiki in kakovosti storitev. Reorganizacija procesa je rešitev, s katero bi odpravili več problemov. Informacijska podpora oddelku sobaric pa bi bila še en korak v napredno smer, ki omogoča boljši nadzor nad delom, vodenjem računov in pregled nad porabljenimi dobrinami. Pri predlaganem modelu sem preučil obstoječe stanje, upošteval želje vodstva hotela in jih strnil v nov proces, ki je informacijsko podprt. Za predlagan model smo testirali tudi ustrezen prototip aplikacije, zaradi katere je delo bolj pregledno, vzpostavljeno je povsem brezpapirno poslovanje, izvaja pa se tudi takojšnji prenos podatkov.
Keywords:oddelek sobaric, model informatizacije, ekonomika, prototip
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42071 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7234835 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.11.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:Master thesis deals with support for hotel maids department with a suggested model in computerized technology. The work process in nowadays use was not updated for a while, because of this all the data for process support are still written, calculated and sorted by hand on the paper. Data collected in this way are difficult to work with, the review and search is quite time consuming. The market is becoming more and more unpredictable and requires quick reactions, as well as tendency for the improved economics and quality of service. The reorganization process is the solution which would solve several problems. Information support for maids department would be another step in the advanced direction, which gives more control over the work, accounts and an overview of the used goods. In the proposed model, I examined the existing state of affairs, took the wishes for improvement of hotel management and summarized in the new process, which is supported in the information technology. The proposed model was tested by a prototype application that consequently works more transparent, sets up a completely paper-free business and data transfer without any delay.
Keywords:Department maids, Model computerization, Economics, Prototype


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