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Authors:ID Gašpar, Robert (Author)
ID Hozjan, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Gaspar_Robert_2013.pdf (897,12 KB)
MD5: 717505934BF57B80ADCC3DD9C25A59DF
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Bolgari so eno tistih evropskih ljudstev, ki je svojo državo ustvarilo že v srednjem veku. To državo so slabili notranji boji med fevdalci, šibka osrednja oblast, vpadi Tatarov ter vojne s sosednjimi državami. Kljub temu so vzpostavili močno pravoslavno cerkev, bolgarska kultura pa je temeljila na kronikah, analih in letopisih vladarjev, patriarhov itd. Vse to pa se je spremenilo s prihodom močnega Osmanskega imperija. Bolgarija je postala prva balkanska država, ki si jo je Osmanski imperij popolnoma podredil. Pod novo oblastjo so Bolgari kot kristjani postali drugorazredni državljani z manj pravicami kot muslimani. V prvih stoletjih osmanske oblasti večjih uporov ni bilo. Kmalu so se med Bolgari začeli pojavljati posamezniki, ki so ljudi spodbujali k uporom, tuje vladarje pa k pomoči. Večja upora sta se tako zgodila med avstrijsko-turškimi vojnami konec 16. in konec 17. stoletja v Trnovu in Čiprovcih. Upora nista bila uspešna, represalije pa so bile grozljive. V 17. in 18. stoletju sta gospodarski napredek in odpiranje imperija tujim vplivom prispevala k večji ozaveščenosti Bolgarov. Razvijalo se je šolstvo v obliki celičnih šol. Pomembna osebnost tega obdobja pa je bil menih Paisij.
Keywords:Bolgarija, Osmanski imperij, upor, pravoslavna cerkev, katoliška cerkev, Paisij.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Gašpar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-42041 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20174344 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.11.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:Bulgarians belong to those European nations which had formed a state in the medieval times. The state was weakened by internal conflicts among feudal lords, a weak central rule, Tatar invasions, and wars with its neighbours. Nonetheless, they were able to form a strong Orthodox church, whilst their culture had its foundations in chronicles and annals of their rulers, patriarchs, etc. The situation changed with the arrival of the strong Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria became the first Balkan state to be entirely subjected under the empire’s rule. As Christians, Bulgarians were second-class citizens to Muslims. Yet, major rebellions did not take place in the first centuries of the Ottoman rule. However, later-on several individuals started to encourage people to rebel, whilst pleading to foreign rulers for help. Two major rebellions took place during the Austro-Ottoman wars at the end of the 16th and 17th centuries in Trnovo and Čiprovci. They were not successful and the retaliation was devastating. In the 17th and 18th centuries, economic progress and the opening of the empire to foreign influences contributed to a greater awareness of Bulgarian people. The school system started to emerge with the so-called cell schools. An important personality of the era was monk Paisius.
Keywords:Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, rebellion, Orthodox Church, Catholic Church, Paisius.


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