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Title:Ocena uspešnosti preventivnih programov na področju srčno žilnih bolezni v obdobju od 2001 do 2010 v regiji Celje
Authors:ID Martinšek, Simona (Author)
ID Eržen, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Habjanič, Ana (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Martinsek_Simona_2013.pdf (663,36 KB)
MD5: A49ADCCF220D099656CDFEF5B8CD22E0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je predstavljena epidemiologija srcno žilnih bolezni, posamezni dejavniki tveganja in njihov vpliv na zdravje ter nastanek in razvoj bolezni. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti povezavo med razširjenostjo življenskih navad, ki spodbujajo zdravje, in dejavniki tveganja za razvoj srcno žilnih bolezni ter življenskim okoljem in socialno ekonomskim statusom (prebivalstva). Prav tako smo na podlagi samoporocanega zdravstvenega stanja želeli oceniti trend srcno-žilnih bolezni v regiji Celje. Raziskovalna metodologija: S soglasjem Inštituta za varovanje zdravja smo pridobili baze podatkov treh presecnih epidemioloških raziskav, ki so bile zbrane na obmocju regije Celje v zvezi s proucevanjem razširjenosti dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj srcno žilnih bolezni. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo v letih 2001, 2004 in 2008, ko so bile v rednih casovnih razmikih opravljene tri raziskave po metodologiji CHMS (CINDI Health Monitor Slovenia) Dejavniki tveganja za nenalezljive bolezni pri odraslih prebivalcih Slovenije. Pridobljene podatke smo statisticno obdelali in analizirali. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da za regijo Celje ne moremo potrditi povezave med življenskimi navadami, ki spodbujajo zdravje, in bivalnim okoljem. Z analizo razširjenosti dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj srcno žilnih bolezni, po posameznih letih izvedene raziskave smo ugotovili, da se dejavniki tveganja niso zmanjšali, niti z ozirom na leto raziskave, niti na okolje, iz katerega respondenti izhajajo. Samoporocano zdravstveno stanje respondentov regije Celje se je ohranilo, le za angino pectoris, lahko potrdimo, da se je stanje respondentov izboljšalo. Potrdili pa smo, da je med respondenti regije Celje, ki pripadajo spodnjemu in delavskemu dužbeno-ekonomskemu razredu, statisticno znacilno vec samoporocanih bolezenskih stanj kot pri ostalih respondentih, ki pripadajo ostalim dužbeno-ekonomskim razredom. Sklep: Z ozirom na rezultate je potrebno ne glede na družbeno-ekonomske razmere ohraniti in razširiti preventivne programe za preprecevanje srcno žilnih bolezni.
Keywords:dejavniki tveganja, srcno žilne bolezni, regija Celje, preventivni programi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Martinšek]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-41605 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1953956 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.10.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master`s thesis presents the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, as well as individual risk factors and their impact on health and the emergence and development of the disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the link between the prevalence of lifestyle habits that promote health and risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease with living environment and socio-economic status. On the basis of self-reported health status we want to estimate the trend of cardiovascular disease in the region Celje. Research Methodology: In agreement with the Institute of Public Health, we acquired a database of three cross-sectional epidemiological studies that have been collected in the region Celje in the study of the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Data collection was conducted in the years 2001, 2004 and 2008, when they were at regular intervals performed three research methodology CHMS (CINDI Health Monitor Slovenia) "Risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in the adult population of Slovenia." The data obtained were statistically processed and analyzed. Results: We found that in the Celje region, we can not confirm the link between lifestyle habits that promote health and living environment. By analyzing the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, according to research carried out each year, we found that the risk factors are reduced, even with comperment to the year of the survey, or to the environment in which respondents derive. Self-reported health status of respondents Celje region was maintained only for angina pectoris, we can confirm that the respondents situation has improved. We confirmed that the respondents of the Celje region belonging to the lower and labor socio-economic class, have significantly more self-reported pathologies than other respondents belonging to other socio-economic class. Conclusion: In view of the results is needed, no matter of the socio-economic conditions, to maintain and expand prevention programs for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Keywords:risk factors, cardiovascular disease, region Celje, prevention programs


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