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Authors:ID Plankar, Valerija (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:URL MAG_Plankar_Valerija_2013.pdf (1,97 MB)
MD5: BD6A1CA68425C8BD6A8126EC6F8FC72B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Interno komuniciranje pomembno prispeva k poslovnemu uspehu v vsaki družbi ali organizaciji. Prav tako je pomembna tudi strategija komuniciranja, kajti prav od nje je med drugim odvisno, kako percipirajo zaposleni podano vsebino v določenem trenutku. Interno komuniciranje spodbuja konstruktivno sodelovanje, kar posredno učinkuje na pristnejše medsebojne odnose v delovnem okolju. Zaposleni bodo zagotovo uspešnejši, če bodo bolje razpoloženi in se bodo dobro počutili v svoji delovni organizaciji. Ustrezna interna komunikacija bistveno prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju zaposlenih pri tekočih aktivnostih in novostih, ki jih določena organizacija izvaja, ter pri načrtovanju njenih ciljev in poslovnih strategij v prihodnje. Interno komuniciranje mora biti naravnano tako, da doseže določen cilj ali rezultat, ki si ga je določena organizacija postavila. Prav tako je pomembno, da komunikacija poteka dvosmerno in spodbuja vključevanje, kajti tako bo organizacija bistveno prej dosegla podporo in pripadnost vseh zaposlenih. Interno komuniciranje pa nima pozitivnega vpliva le na medsebojne odnose, njen vpliv namreč zaznamo tudi v primeru konfliktnih situacij. Nesporazumi so v organizacijah sestavni del poslovnega vsakdana, vendar je pomembno, kako pristopiti k njihovemu reševanju, torej je ustrezna komunikacija eno od ključnih sredstev pri uspešni razrešitvi konfliktov. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo tako analizirali nivo ustreznosti internega komuniciranja in medsebojnih odnosov v izbrani organizaciji X. Iz ugotovitev je razvidno, da je interno komuniciranje med zaposlenimi v organizaciji zelo dobro sprejeto v vseh pogledih, še posebej v primeru neugodne ekonomske in politične situacije, v kateri se je naša država znašla v tem obdobju. Omenjeno situacijsko stanje ima vpliv tudi na slovenska podjetja in organizacije, kar se med drugim akumulira v obliki napetosti in splošno negativnega ozračja med zaposlenimi, kar pomeni, da je dobro, da vodstvo oziroma delodajalci do svojih zaposlenih vzpostavijo komunikacijo, ki je korektna in čim bolj transparentna. Rezultati raziskave razkrivajo zanimivo dejstvo, da je tudi v primeru dobrega sistema internih komunikacij v organizaciji odgovoren predvsem vsak posameznik oziroma to, koliko prispeva oziroma koliko je samoiniciativen, da se tako čim bolj približa kriteriju odličnosti internih komunikacij, ki ga vsaka organizacija določa individualno. V obravnavani organizaciji X je interno komuniciranje pretežno ustrezno. Ne glede na to dejstvo pa se mnenja zaposlenih nagibajo v smer, ki zahteva še določene izboljšave, med katere po mnenju zaposlenih nedvomno spadata tudi načrtovanje in izvedba strategij internih komunikacij. Z uvedbo načrtovanja in integriranja internega komuniciranja v ostale poslovne strategije organizacije ter z vzpostavitvijo sistema se hkrati izboljša tudi pozicija zaposlenih, v smislu povečanja informiranosti posameznika in ustreznejšega percipiranja omenjenega področja. To prispeva tudi k učinkovitejšemu sodelovanju znotraj organizacije, zmanjša ali omeji se možnost konfliktnih situacij, prav tako pa se na ta način spodbujajo korektni medsebojni odnosi. Na osnovi izvedene analize smo podali končne ugotovitve ter oblikovali ustrezne predloge in sugestije, ki bi lahko koristile pri morebitnem izboljšanju komunikacij znotraj izbrane organizacije X.
Keywords:Interno komuniciranje, učinkovitost internega komuniciranja, medsebojni odnosi, konflikt, konfliktne situacije, zaposleni, nadrejeni, organizacija, izbrana organizacija.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Plankar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40776 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11481372 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.08.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:Internal communication is an important contribution to the business success of any company or organization. Also important is the communication strategy, because it is important in a large extent how employees perceive the content delivered at a specific time. Internal communication encourages constructive engagement, which indirectly affects more genuine relationships in the workplace. Employees will certainly be more effective if they are in a better mood and they will feel good in their work organization. Appropriate internal communication contributes significantly to a better understanding of employees at current activities and news which are implemented by a specific organization and the planning of its objectives and business strategies in the future. Internal communication must be adjusted to obtain a certain result or effect that was put in a specific organization. It is also important that communication is two-way and promote the inclusion, for the organization will be essential to gain the support and loyalty of all employees. Internal communication is not only a positive effect on their relationship, because it effects are detected also in the case of conflict situations. Misunderstandings are an integral part of the business organizations every day, but it is important how to approach solving them. This means that a proper communication is one among the key assets in the successful resolution of conflict. In the empirical part of the thesis, we analyzed the level of internal communication and interaction in the selected organization X. The findings show that the internal communication between employees in the organization is very well received in all respects, especially in the event of adverse economic and political situation in which our country finds itself in this period, as mentioned situational status has an impact on the Slovenian company and organizations, inter alia, in the form of accumulated tension and generally more negative atmosphere among employees, which means that it is good that the management or employers with their employees establish communication which is correct and transparent. The survey results reveal an interesting fact that in the case of a good system of internal communications within the organization is primarily responsible each individual - how much does he or she contribute and how much is he or she self-starting, so as close as possible to the criteria of excellence in internal communications by each individual organization provides. The actual organization of X is internal communication mainly accordingly. Notwithstanding this fact, the opinion of the employees tend in the direction of requiring more specific improvements, one of which according to the statements of employees clearly fall within the planning and execution of internal communications strategies. With the introduction of the design and integration of internal communication in the rest of the business strategy of the organization and implementation of the system at the same time improve the position of employees in terms of better information for the individual and a more adequate perception of these areas. All this contributes to more effective cooperation within the organization to reduce or restrict the possibility of conflicts and promotes correct relationships. Based on the analysis, we obtained, are given final conclusions and made appropriate proposals and suggestions that might be useful in the event of improved communications within the selected organization X.
Keywords:Internal communication, the effectiveness of internal communication, relationships, conflict, conflict situations, employees, employers, organisation, chosen organisation.


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