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Title:Krščanstvo in islam kot potencialna akterja odgovornejšega odnosa do naravnega okolja
Authors:ID Kramberger, Sara (Author)
ID Lavrič, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kramberger_Sara_2013.pdf (956,90 KB)
MD5: 280E3D0A94D0BC56AE8BA09889BFBDE3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/00f49c52-e4ec-4158-bcf4-a223c0793e06
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Od pojava ekološke krize raziskovalci poudarjajo, da imajo religije pomemben vpliv na človekov odnos do okolja. V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na dve največji svetovni religiji, krščanstvo in islam, in skušala ugotoviti, katere okoljske vrednote sta posredovali svojim vernikom v preteklosti in katere jim posredujeta danes, ko se svet sooča z okoljskimi težavami. Obe religiji izvirata iz Abrahamove tradicije in učita, da je Bog ustvaril človeka in ga postavil na privilegirano mesto, nad vsa ostala bitja in nad naravo. Zaradi tega antropocentričnega sporočila obe religiji, in še posebej krščanstvo, ki je imelo velik vpliv na vrednote moderne, Zahodne družbe, po ocenah številnih raziskovalcev nosita nekaj odgovornosti za današnjo okoljsko situacijo, saj je to sporočilo doprineslo k instrumentalnemu odnosu do narave. Vendar pa sem z analizo vsebine verskih tekstov ugotovila tudi, da v svetih spisih obstajajo tudi številni elementi, ki lahko v času okoljske krize koristijo pri oblikovanju nove okoljske etike. V zadnjih desetletjih, ko se človeštvo sooča z velikimi ekološkimi grožnjami, obe obravnavani religiji bolj razvijata in poudarjata ekološko naravnane interpretacije verskih tekstov, v želji po razrešitvi ekološke krize pa vedno pogosteje oblikujeta tudi zavezništva s politiko in znanostjo. Kot sili, ki bi močno vplivali na spreminjanje ekološke zavesti, se do sedaj še nista izkazali, vsekakor pa imata tako krščanska kot islamska tradicija potencial, da v ljudeh vzbudita čut za družbeno odgovornost ter željo po spremembi, in morda bosta v prihodnosti z nadaljevanjem trenda »zelenenja« obe religiji pripomogli k bolj ekološko odgovornemu vedenju.
Keywords:religija, krščanstvo, islam, narava, okoljska kriza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Kramberger]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40407 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19911176 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.06.2013
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Secondary language

Title:Christianity and Islam as factors of responsible attitude towards the natural environment
Abstract:Ever since the emergence of the ecological crisis, researchers have emphasized that religions have a significant impact on the human relationship towards the environment. In my diploma thesis, I chose to focus on two of the world’s largest religions, Christianity and Islam. My aim was to identify which environmental values did both religions pass on to their believers in the past and which values are transmitted to them today, when the world is facing environmental issues. Both religions are tracing their common origin back to Abraham, and both teach that God created man and put him in a privileged position, above all the other beings and the nature itself. Some researchers believe that this anthropocentric message led to a utilitarian attitude towards nature and therefore, both religions (and in particular Christianity which had a significant impact on the values of the modern, Western society) bear some responsibility for the present environmental situation. However, the content analysis of religious texts has shown that the scriptures also contain many elements which in the time of environmental crisis can help us develop new environmental ethics. Over the past few decades, ever since the humanity has been facing major environmental threats, both religions have tended to emphasize eco-centric interpretations of religious texts, and in an effort to resolve the ecological crisis, they have also formed alliances with politics and science. So far, neither of the religions in question has proven itself a strong force that would significantly influence the eco-consciousness. However, Christian and Islamic tradition both have a potential to arouse a sense of social responsibility and to instil the desire to change in people, and if the trend of “the greening of religion” continues, both religions will have the ability to motivate people to engage in a more environmentally responsible behaviour.
Keywords:religion, Christianity, Islam, nature, environmental crisis


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