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Authors:ID Vrečko, Martina (Author)
ID Keresteš, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Vrecko_Martina_2013.pdf (1,13 MB)
MD5: 71880CFA6FC60BD62FF5932DB7D29542
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9d81549a-b3fb-44d0-b8cd-8c39a9f19675
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Avtorica se ukvarja s problematiko t.i. izbrisanih, ki označuje osebe, katere je slovenska oblast zaradi arbitrarne razlage osamosvojitvene zakonodaje 26. februarja 1992 brez obvestila in zakonske podlage ter iz lastnega nagiba izbrisala iz registra stalnega prebivalstva ter jih prenesla v evidenco tujcev. S tem jim ni le samovoljno odvzela njihovega pravnega statusa, temveč jim je onemogočila dostop do cele vrste ekonomskih in socialnih pravic vezanih na ta status. Ker je takšen ukrep za razliko od ostalih tujcev s pravico do stalnega prebivanja na območju Republike Slovenije prizadel le tiste, ki so prihajali iz drugih držav naslednic nekdanje SFRJ, je veliki senat Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice leta 2012 razsodil, da so bile te osebe obravnavane diskriminacijsko, obenem pa sta jim bili kršeni tudi pravica do zasebnega in družinskega življenja ter pravica do učinkovitega pravnega sredstva. Te pravice zagotavlja Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravica vsem osebam na področju držav pogodbenic. Primer izbrisanih se obravnava iz vidika razmerja med politiko in pravom, natančneje pravom človekovih pravic. Pravo in politika sta samostojni področji, vendar vseeno medsebojno eksistenčno povezani, saj daje politika pravu materijo za urejanje, pravo pa ima nalogo ohranjati politiko znotraj določenih meja. V demokratični pravni državi mora biti med njima vzpostavljeno ravnotežje. To ravnotežje je porušeno, ko začnejo organi oblasti delovati na podlagi nedopustnih političnih interesov, in ko prekoračijo svoje z ustavo in zakonom določene pristojnosti. To lahko pripelje do kršitev temeljev ustavne ureditve, od načela pravne države in vseh njegovih izpeljav ter v končni fazi do kršitev človekovih pravic in svoboščin posameznikov. Konkreten primer je jasen indikator tega, kako obsežne posledica lahko ima delovanje politike izven okvirov prava, in kako pravne rešitve določenega problema izgubljajo svojo vrednost zaradi njihovega nespoštovanja in odsotnosti podpore v politični sferi.
Keywords:človekove pravice, politika, pravna država, načelo delitve oblasti, prepoved diskriminacije, pravica do zasebnosti in družinskega življenja, pravica do učinkovitega pravnega sredstva, Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice, ustavno sodišče, izbrisani
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Vrečko]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-40080 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4524075 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.04.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:The author examines the problem of so called Erased, which is a term used to mark the large group of individuals, who were erased from Register of permanent residence on 26. 2. 1992 by Slovene authorities as a result of arbitrary interpretation of independence legislation. This ex proprio motu act of erasure and transfer to the Register of foreigners was done without legal basis and official notice to those affected by it. The Erased were not just arbitrary taken away their legal status of permanent residents, but they also lost access to many economic and social rights, which are essentially connected to this status. Since this act affected only those, who had citizenship of other republics of former Yugoslavia, in comparison to other foreigners that kept the right to permanent residence in Slovenia, in 2012 the European Court of Human Rights ruled, that they were violated the right to be treated without discrimination and also the right to respect for private and family life and right to an effective remedy. Those fundamental human rights are assured by European Convention on Human Rights to everyone within the jurisdiction of The High Contracting Parties. The case is examined from an aspect of relation between policy and law, particularly law of human rights. Law and policy are independent areas, but yet existentially connected, since policy gives law matter to edit, and law has a task to keep policy inside of legal boundaries. In democratic states, which are built on a rule of law, law and policy have to be in balance. This balance is demolished, when authorities start acting on a base of inadmissible political interests, and when they cross the borders of their constitutionally and legally determined competences. This can lead to the violation of basic constitutional order, such as rule of law and its derivations, and ultimately to the violation of human rights and freedoms of individuals. The concrete case of the Erased is a clear indicator of how extensive the consequences of policy acting outside of legal framework can be, and how sometimes legal solutions of specific problem are losing their value because of disrespect and absence of support in political sphere.
Keywords:human rights, policy, rule of law, separation of powers, prohibition on discrimination, right to respect for private and family life, right to an effective remedy, European Court of Human Rights, constitutional court, the Erased


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