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Authors:ID Korpar, Daša (Author)
ID Bradač Hojnik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Korpar_Dasa_2013.pdf (1,27 MB)
MD5: 1874FCA51E7F19350792D81A9CEEECE3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/db48011c-ab50-49ae-937b-513ffa053925
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V delu diplomskega seminarja sem obravnavala pojem in pomen korporacijskega podjetništva za podjetje ter njegovo uvajanje na praktičnem primeru podjetja Štajerles trade d.o.o. Osnovna dejavnost družbe je prodaja in montaža stavbnega pohištva iz lesa in PVC-ja. Korporacijsko podjetništvo opredelimo kot podjetništvo znotraj obstoječe organizacije. Pomeni način vedenja podjetij in poudarja uvajanje novosti na različnih področjih, npr. izdelki, storitve, tehnologije, strategije, organiziranosti itd. Pri uvajanju korporacijskega podjetništva v podjetje Štajerles trade smo prišli do kar nekaj zaključkov. Tako smo ugotovili, da vizija podjetja v celoti podpira korporacijsko podjetništvo, saj povedo, da bodo najuspešnejše in cenovno najugodnejše podjetje, ki ponuja vse od estriha do strešnega okna na enem mestu. Poslanstvo podjetja Štajerles trade temelji na poslovanju organizacije in zadovoljstvu kupcev. Da bi ustrezalo po zgledu korporacijskega podjetništva, bi moralo v poslanstvo vključiti še preostale vidike kot so: odnos do zaposlenih, konkurenca in temeljne vrednote podjetja. V podjetju Štajerles trade so smotri in temeljnih cilji zelo dobro zastavljeni. Govorijo o obnašanju in delovanju podjetja, vključujejo udeležence v podjetju in izražajo namen podjetja, zato ustrezajo kriterijem korporacijskega podjetništva. Podjetje Štajerles trade ima poslovno-funkcijsko organizacijsko strukturo. Ker pa se podjetje razvija in beleži rast glede na prejšnja leta, bo s časoma moralo začeti razmišljati o naprednejši organizacijski strukturi, saj se bo z morebitnim povečanjem števila zaposlenih, spremenila tudi sama organizacijska struktura. Kultura podjetja Štajerles trade poudarja tri vrednote: sposobnost, odgovornost in poštenost. Podjetje dokaj dobro uvaja notranje podjetništvo v kulturo podjetja, saj izpolnjujejo vse vidike notranjepodjetniške kulture. Tudi zaposlenih v podjetju podpirajo korporacijsko podjetništvo, saj je odprta možnost napredovanja, izobraževanja, komunikacije in nagrajevanja. Uvajanje korporacijskega podjetništva vključuje tudi elemente, ki se prepletajo z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih. Podjetje zato redno izobražuje in usposablja svoje zaposlene in ima razvit tudi sistem nagrajevanja. Če pogledamo podjetje Štajerles trade d.o.o. in koncept korporacijskega podjetništva v celoti, lahko trdimo, da podjetje uspešno razvija in upošteva večino kriterijev korporacijskega podjetništva. Menimo, da podjetja kot je Štajerles trade prav zaradi vpeljave korporacijskega podjetništva beležijo pozitivne učinke na poslovne rezultate. Korporacijsko podjetništvo je zato izjemnega pomena za razvoj posameznega podjetja oz. organizacije in hkrati tudi za razvoj regije oz. narodnega gospodarstva.
Keywords:Korporacijsko podjetništvo, politika podjetja, kultura podjetja, organizacijska struktura, vodstvo podjetja in zaposleni.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Korpar]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39455 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11579164 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.11.2013
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Abstract:The part of the diploma work describes the concept and the importance of corporate entrepreneurship for a certain company and the usage of this concept in a practical case of Štajerles trade d.o.o. firm. The principal activity of the firm is the sale and the installation of builders` joinery and carpentry of wood and PVC. Corporate entrepreneurship is defined as an entrepreneurship within an existing organization. It means the manner of company's behaviour, the stress is on the introduction of innovations into various fields e.g. products, services, technologies, strategies, organization etc. Through the introduction of corporate entrepreneurship in Štajerles trade firm, we have come to several conclusions. For example, we found out that the firm's vision fully supports corporate entrepreneurship, since we were told that it will be the most successful and cost effective firm which offers everything from screed to roof windows in one place. The intention of the Štajerles trade firm is based on the organization's economy and customer satisfaction. In order to fit the example of corporate entrepreneurship its activities should include other aspects such as: attitude toward employees, competition and fundamental values of the firm. Its purposes and fundamental aims are very well organized. They describe the behaviour and functioning of the firm, include participants of the firm, and reflect the purpose of the firm that is why they meet the criteria for corporate entrepreneurship. The Štajerles trade firm has a trade-functional organizational structure. However, since the firm is developing and recording growth in comparison to previous year it will eventually have to consider a more advanced organizational structure, since the possible increased number of employees will changed the organizational structure itself. The culture of Štajerles trade firm stresses three values: ability, responsibility, and honesty. The firm is fairly successful in introducing corporate entrepreneurship into its culture since it fulfils all aspects of corporate entrepreneurship culture. Moreover, the employees of the firm support corporate entrepreneurship, because it is an open opportunity for promotion, education, communication, and reward. The introduction of corporate entrepreneurship also includes elements which are concerned with employee satisfaction. The firm therefore regularly educates and trains its employees and has developed a reward system. If we look at the Štajerles trade d.o.o. firm and the concept of corporate entrepreneurship as a whole, we can say that the firm is successfully developing and considering most of the criteria of corporate entrepreneurship. We believe that firms as Štajerles trade record positive effects and business results exactly because of the introduction of corporate entrepreneurship. Corporate entrepreneurship is therefore of utmost importance for the development of an individual company or an organization and also for the development of a region or the national economy.
Keywords:Corporate entrepreneurship, corporate policy, corporate culture, organizational structure, management and employees.


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