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Title:Organizacija zbirnega transporta na relaciji Slovenija-Iran
Authors:ID Jontez, Jure (Author)
ID Rosi, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Sternad, Marjan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Jontez_Jure_2013.pdf (1,16 MB)
MD5: 98FE930EA243B5467046E412E0EAB6D3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1bb26334-2b3c-48fa-b35d-851967cf3d27
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Svetovna gospodarska kriza, ki traja že kar nekaj let, je v posamezne regije prinesla vse prej kot pozitivne posledice. Z željo lastnikov po večjih dobičkih in s selitvijo proizvodenj v regije z nižjo delovno silo se posledice teh akcij čutijo v vseh sektorjih. Storitveni sektor, v katerega spadajo tudi špedicijska podjetja, se spopada z upadom prometa. Vse višji fiksni stroški vplivajo na konkurenčnost ne samo velikih tovrstnih podjetjih temveč tudi malih in srednjih. Obdržati trenutno stanje zahteva od podjetij še dodatne napore. Trenuten preboj in osvajanje novih trgov je še vedno možen vendar z natančno vizijo podjetja in dobro začrtano strategijo. Podjetje VIT Logistika je eno izmed mnogih, ki kljubuje trenutnim razmeram. Ritem, ki je prisoten pri samem poslovanju, zahteva od zaposlenih iz dneva v dan več. Več znanja in več izkušenj pa podjetju alternativno zagotavljata čvrste temelje v tej krizni situaciji. Kratki stiki, ki nastanejo kot pomanjkanje teh dveh elementov, so vse prej kot zanemarljivi. Izzivi s področja transporta, skladiščenja, komuniciranja s strankami in samo organizacijo pa zahtevajo odločna posredovanja ter preudarne akcije za doseganje boljših poslovnih rezultatov. Navsezadnje dobri poslovni rezultati vplivajo tudi na socialno varnost zaposlenih. V teh časih, ko se soočamo s pomanjkanjem zaposlovanja, je tudi to dobra spodbuda za zaposlenega.
Keywords:VIT Logistika, Incoterms 2010, špedicija
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[J. Jontez]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39357 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512487229 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.03.2013
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Secondary language

Title:Organization of LTL transport from Slovenia to Iran
Abstract:The global economic crisis, which lasts for several years in region, brought less than positive consequences. The owners' desire for higher profits and the relocation of production to regions with lower labor force has consequences which are felt in all sectors. The service sector which includes forwarding companies is facing with lack of work. The higher fixed costs affect on competitiveness not only in large enterprises but also in small and medium-sized. To maintain the current status of business requires additional efforts. The current breakthrough and conquest on new markets is still possible but with the exact corporate vision and well-planned strategy. VIT Logistics is one of many companies’s which defy the current situation. Rhythm, which is present in forwarding business requires from employees more and more. More knowledge and more experience will provide us solid foundation in this crisis situation. Short circuits, caused by lack of these two elements are far from good. Challenges in the field of transportation, storage, communication with clients and self-organization, require strong intervention and prudent actions to achieve better business results. After all, good results have an impact on social security of employees. In these times when we are faced with lack of employment is also a good encouragement for the employee.
Keywords:VIT Logistic, Incoterms 2010, forwarding


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