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Authors:ID Čebular, Vesna (Author)
ID Oplotnik, Žan Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cebular_Vesna_2012.pdf (663,88 KB)
MD5: 481175ACA67C44202751B4CA64825F48
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4218ce9c-d7a0-4b71-8d1a-342b1e1ef135
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Smo v obdobju izjemne negotovosti in krize zaupanja. Živimo v času največje krize po drugi svetovni vojni. Gospodarske razmere v domačem in mednarodnem okolju so izredno slabe, finančna in politična kriza v Sloveniji pa trenutno situacijo, v kateri živimo, samo še zaostrujeta. To dejstvo ne velja le za Slovenijo temveč za celotno Evropo in preostali del sveta. Slovenija se je znašla v kreditnem krču, iz katerega nekako ne vidimo izhoda, saj se vrtimo v začaranem krogu od gospodarske krize z začetkom gradbeniškega kolapsa, slabšanja portfelja bank, slabših bonitetnih ocen, nedostopnosti do virov financiranja ter posledično bančnega zaostrenega kreditiranja v zelo omejenem obsegu. V nadaljevanju to povzroči manjše investicije in razvoj pri podjetjih, ki zaradi nedostopnosti do virov ne morejo zagnati prepotrebnih investicij in s tem ponovnega gospodarskega razvoja. Moje magistrsko delo je prikaz kreditnih tveganj v času finančne krize in nekaterih rešitev za oživitev kreditiranja na področju gospodarstva tako v Sloveniji kot tudi v Evropski uniji. Osrednji del magistrskega dela sloni na pregledu izvajanja protikriznih ukrepov v Sloveniji in pregled spodbud za zagon kreditiranja tako v finančnem kot v gospodarskem sektorju. Slovenija je le del vseevropske gospodarsko-finančne krize in je vključena v EU in deluje v okviru smernic, sprejetih v vrhu Evrope. V pričujočem delu so predstavljene tudi spodbude in rešitve, ki jih izvajajo v EU in sprejete strukturne reforme za izhod iz krize.
Keywords:Kreditno tveganje, zavarovanje kreditnega tveganja, protikrizni ukrepi, spodbude za kreditiranje, jamstvena shema, subvencija
Place of publishing:Slovenska Bistrica
Publisher:[V. Čebular]
Year of publishing:2013
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-39262 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11351836 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.03.2013
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Abstract:We are in a period of extreme uncertainty and confidence crisis. We live in a time of greatest crisis since World War II. Economic conditions in the domestic and international environment are extremely poor. Financial and political crisis in Slovenia, the current situation in which we live, is only getting worse. This fact applies not only for Slovenia but for the whole of Europe and the rest of the world. Slovenia is facing a credit crunch from which we do not see the way out. As we rotate in a vicious circle of economic crisis beginning with the collapse of civil engineering, portfolio deterioration, poor credit ratings, lack of access to sources of funding and consequently aggravated bank lending to a very limited extent. On the other side less investment and development in companies due to lack of access to resources and so we are not able to start much-needed investment and the economic re-development. Master's show the credit risk during the financial crisis and show some solutions for credit recovery in the economy in Slovenia as well as in the European Union. The central part of the thesis is based on a review of the implementation of anti-crisis measures in Slovenia and review incentives to start lending in both the financial and the economic sector. Slovenia is the only part of the pan-European economic and financial crisis and is included in the European Union and operates within the guidelines adopted at the top of Europe. In this Master’s are also presented incentives and solutions implemented by the European Union and adopted structural reforms to overcome the crisis.
Keywords:Credit risk, credit risk insurance, anti-crisis measures, incentives for lending, guarantee scheme, subsidy


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