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Title:Pravna ureditev izrednih prevozov v cestnem prometu za potrebe gradbeništva
Authors:ID Dragičevič, Sonja (Author)
ID Murtič, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Dragicevic_Sonja_2012.pdf (2,05 MB)
MD5: DF0F457DD9E8BD6CD86AA852B6697D8E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d1f2d9a7-f09a-44be-ba8c-ba690e620f5d
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bil celovito in na enem mestu zbrati pravno podlago, ki ureja postopke in načine izvedbe izrednih prevozov v cestnem prometu. Izredni prevozi so vedno bili zahtevni logistični procesi, ki od pripravljalca in izvajalca zahtevajo dodatne priprave za varen transport določene stvari (bodisi v tekočem bodisi trdem stanju) ali tovora, ki zaradi svoje oblike ali velikosti pogosto presega standarde obstoječe cestne zmogljivosti ali ki zaradi strupenosti, eksplozivnosti in podobno lahko povzročijo nevarnost za življenje ali zdravje ljudi in premoženje.Ker izredni prevozi odstopajo od standardov in predpisov vsakdanjih prevozov, je možno zaključiti, da gre za zahtevno nalogo, ki od pripravljalca zahteva proučitev številnih predpisov, strokovne literature in gradiva, ki se neposredno nanašajo na transportirano snov. V začetku diplomskega dela sem predstavila vlogo in pomen pravne ureditve izrednih prevozov v cestnem prometu ter opredelila pojme, ki so pomembni tudi za obvladovanje problemov izrednih prevozov. V osrednjem delu naloge pa sem se konkretno opredelila na samo organizacijo, prometno varnost ter izvedbo izrednega prevoza. V zaključnem delu diplomskega dela sem na konkretnem primeru izdelala primer izvedbe izrednega prevoza. Pričakujem, da bo diplomsko delo v pomoč pripravljalcem in izvajalcem izrednih prevozov, še bolj pa pričakujem, da bo podlaga za širše in bolj poglobljene raziskave drugih študentov ali raziskovalcev.
Keywords:cestni promet, izredni cestni prevozi, prometna infrastruktura, zakonodaja, organizacija izrednih prevozov.
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[S. Dragičevič]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38854 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512480829 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.02.2013
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Secondary language

Title:Regulation of emergency services in the road for construction
Abstract:The aim of this thesis was to collect the legal basis of governing procedures in one place and also how to present how to perform emergency road transport. Emergency services arestill demanding logistics processes and require aditional preparation for the safe transport of certain things (either in liquid or solid state), or cargo which because of its shape or size often exceeds the standards of the existing road facilities or due to toxicity, explosion, etc., may cause a threat to human health and property. As emergency services depart from the standards and regulations in everyday operations, it is possible to conclude that this is a challenging task, which requires an examination of a number of regulations, technical literature and materials, directly relating to the substance transported. At the beginning of the thesis I presented the role and importance of regulations and definitions fot exceptional road transport, and the management problems of abnormal loads. In the middle part of the thesis, I have specifically focused on the organization, road safety and the implementation of emergency transport. In the final part of the thesis I presented a specific example of emergency transport performance. I expect my study to help developers and operators of emergency services and I expect that it will be the basis for a broader and more in-depth research for other students or researchers.
Keywords:Road transport, emergency road services, transport infrastructure, legislation, organization of emergency services.


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