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Authors:ID Trstenjak, Nuša (Author)
ID Dežman, Zlatan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Trstenjak_Nusa_2012.pdf (515,00 KB)
MD5: 26166108C5FA277CE8CA966BEB3B999D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/69176fba-c5d3-4e9b-994f-865d9c051e4d
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Razvoj informatike in informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij je pripeljal do vsakodnevne uporabe kibernetskega prostora in kritične odvisnosti sodobnega človeka od omenjenih tehnologij ter vsebin, ki so največkrat dostopne ves čas. Ker se je veliko dejavnosti preneslo iz resničnega sveta v kibernetski prostor, se je temu prilagodila tudi kriminaliteta. Njeni prvi začetki so bili poizkusi posameznikov dokazati, da je vdor v sodobne informacijske sisteme mogoč; z razvojem sistemov in tehnologij ter omenjeno selitvijo dejavnosti, pa so kibernetski prostor hitro odkrile tudi kriminalne skupine. Te so ponujene možnosti najprej uporabljale zgolj za medsebojno komunikacijo, kasneje pa so začele izvajati kazniva dejanja tudi v kibernetskem prostoru. Nadaljnji razvoj je pokazal, da je kibernetski prostor odlično mesto za prenos drugih dejavnosti iz resničnega sveta in da je tu izvajanje določenih vrst kriminalitete celo enostavnejše. Zagotovljena je večja anonimnost, kazniva dejanja se težje odkrivajo in preganjajo. Vzrok tega so globalna naravnanost kibernetskega prostora, nedorečenost pravnih norm in možnost prenosa nelegalnih dejavnosti v dele sveta, kjer so te dovoljene ali pa se storilci tam preprosto ne preganjajo. V diplomski nalogi sem s pomočjo opisne in primerjalne metode razložila problematiko definiranja kibernetske kriminalitete, najpogostejše zlorabe, ki se dogajajo na internetu ter opisala storilce teh zlorab – hekerje. Nadalje sem na kratko razložila pravne vire, ki obravnavajo kibernetsko kriminaliteto, predstavila pojavne oblike kibernetskega kriminala po slovenski kazenski zakonodaji in na koncu predstavila digitalne dokaze, ki so ključnega pomena za kazenski pregon kibernetskega kaznivega dejanja.
Keywords:informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, kibernetski prostor, kibernetska kriminaliteta, hekerji, kazenski pregon
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Trstenjak]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38758 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4427819 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.12.2012
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Abstract:The development of informatics and information and communication technology has lead to daily usage of cyberspace and furthermore towards critical addiction of modern mankind from these technologies and contents that are usually available at all times. Because many of the activities from the real world were transferred into cyberspace, the crime has also adapted to such changes. In the beginnings, the attempts of individuals served the purpose of showing that an intrusion into modern information systems is possible. With the development of systems and technologies and with the transfer of activities into cyberspace, the crime groups quickly discovered its advantages. At first, the crime groups used the cyberspace only for the purpose of communication amongst each other. Afterwards they started to use cyberspace to carry out criminal offences. Further development has shown that cyberspace is a perfect place, into which other activities from the real world can be transferred, and even that in cyberspace some kinds of crime are even easier to achieve. Cyberspace offers a high anonymity, and the criminal offences made in cyberspace are also harder to track down and to prosecute. Reasons for that are the global nature of cyberspace, indeterminate judiciary rules and the possibility of transferring the illegal activities to parts of the world, where such are allowed or simply not prosecuted. In the diploma paper, I used the descriptive as well as the comparative method to explain the issues associated with defining cyber crime, the most frequent forms of violations happening on the internet and described the offenders – hackers. Furthermore, I also shortly explained the sources of law that discuss cyber crime, presented forms of cyber crime under Slovene criminal legislation, and at the end gathered digital evidence that are of grave importance for criminal prosecution of cyber crime acts.
Keywords:information and communication technology, cyberspace, cyber crime, hackers, criminal prosecution


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