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Authors:ID Brezovnik, Aleš (Author)
ID Kofjač, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:URL MAG_Brezovnik_Ales_2012.pdf (3,85 MB)
MD5: 8B04DBDDFC128A71226D48214570B1F6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/360fa292-792b-4305-9de0-65022f21b50f
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Dinamika nenehnega napredka, globalizacija, konkurenca in vse večja pričakovanja naših kupcev povzročajo, da nenehno stremimo k dovršenosti izboljševanja učinkovitosti organizacije ter k neutrudni težnji po zmanjševanju proizvodnih stroškov. Optimum moramo doseči na način, da s čim manj proizvodnimi dejavniki dosežemo čim večji poslovni učinek organizacije in s tem čim večjo dodano vrednost za skupno korist nas vseh. Med množico načinov, metod in orodij, ki pripomorejo, da je organizacija razvojno uspešnejša in globalno konkurenčnejša, smo se v naši družbi KLS Ljubno, d. d., odločili preučiti možnosti uvedbe novega načina dela s pomočjo metode vitke proizvodnje, ki temelji na reorganizaciji pretočnih časov proizvodnje izdelave zobatih obročev ob pomoči sodobne tehnološko naravnane delovne opreme. Študija magistrskega dela je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem delu sta opisani osnovna predstavitev družbe KLS Ljubno, d. d., in metodologija optimalnega proizvodnega procesa ob pomoči vitke proizvodnje. Sledi predstavitev proizvodnega procesa in analiza sedanjega stanja pretočnih časov pri izdelavi treh izdelkov skozi proizvodni proces od prve operacije do končnega izdelka. Rezultat sedanjega stanja pretočnih časov proizvodnje predstavlja organizacijsko-planski problem, ki rezultira v neoptimalnem toku materiala oz. polizdelkov. S tem se pojavljajo časovne izgube, hkrati pa je veliko nepotrebnega notranjega transporta, kar posledično privede do neracionalnih odločitev in velikih napak, ki lahko privedejo do reklamacije izdelka. V drugem delu so podani predlogi za izboljšanje pretočnih časov. S celično proizvodnjo želimo doseči zmanjšanje časov dela in stroškov v proizvodnji in s tem posledično zagotoviti stabilnejši proces. Predlagane izboljšave in dejanske prednosti prenovljenega proizvodnega procesa bomo predstavili v simulacijskem modelu ob pomoči programskega paketa Flexsim. Rezultate obstoječih pretočnih časov proizvodnega procesa smo primerjali z rezultati simulacijskega modela prenovljene proizvodnje. Izsledki so pokazali, da bi z reorganizacijo in metodo vitke proizvodnje bistveno zmanjšali čas proizvajanja izdelkov. Prihranilo bi se veliko časa, s tem pa bi se povečala tudi produktivnost. Glavna prednost prihranka in večje konkurenčnosti se kaže tudi v možnosti zmanjševanja števila zaposlenih oz. večja statistična enota učinkovitosti na zaposlenega, kar pa je za konkurenčnost organizacije eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov. Doseženi cilj obravnavanja problema je trden dokaz, da je z metodo vitke proizvodnje možna procesna optimizacija proizvodnega procesa, kar nam daje možnost nadaljnjega razvoja družbe KLS Ljubno, d.d. Obstoječi proizvodni proces izdelave zobatih obročev po sistemu »just in time« sicer zadovoljuje trenutne kupčeve zahteve, vendar je vprašanje, do kdaj bo tako.
Keywords:• prenova proizvodnega procesa • pretočni časi • vitka proizvodnja • stalno napredovanje • produktivnost OEE (celotno dosežena učinkovitost)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38655 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7112723 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.01.2013
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Abstract:The dynamics of constant development, globalization, competition and growing expectations of our customers lead to a constant strive for perfect improvement of organizational efficiency and to lower production costs. We have to achieve the optimum in way, that we gain the greatest business effect of the organization using as few production means as possible and achieve the greatest possible added value for a common benefit of us all. Within a variety of ways, methods and tools, that provide that the organization is more successful in terms of development and more competitive, we in the company KLS Ljubno, jsc, decided to study the introduction of a new work type with the help of the lean production method, which bases on a reorganization of lead times of the production of toothed rings with the help of modern technology-oriented work equipment. The research of the Master’s degree is divided into two parts. In the first part we present the basic facts of the company KLS Ljubno, jsc, and the methodology of an optimal production process with the help of lean production. In continuation we present the production process in the stated company and an analysis of the current stare of lead times by the production of three products through the production process from the first operation to the final product. The result of the current state of the production lead times is a planning problem, which results in an unlimited stream of material or half products, time losses are appearing, there is a lot of unnecessary internal transportation, which consequently leads to irrational decisions and numerous mistakes, which can lead to complaints about the product. In the second part we try to achieve shorter production times and costs in the production as such with suggestions on improving lead times and cell production and consequently ensure a more stable process. The suggested improvements and actual advantages of the renewed production process we will present in a simulated model with the help of the program package Flexsim. We compared the results of the production lead times with the results of the simulation model of the renewed production. The results showed that we would significantly lower the product production time by a re-organization and introductions of lean production. We would save a lot of time and increase the productivity. The main advantage of the saving and greater competitiveness is also showing due to the decrease of the number of employees or the larger statistical efficiency per employee, which is one of the main factors of the organization’s competitiveness. The gained result of the problem discussion is hard evidence, that the method of lean production enables an optimization of the production process, which enables further development of the company KLS Ljubno, jsc. Although the current production process of toothed rings following a »just in time« system satisfies current demands of customers, the questions, until when, arises.
Keywords:• production process renewal • lead times • lean production • constant development • OEE productiveness (the whole gained efficiency)


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