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Authors:ID Balant, Anka (Author)
ID Jutronić, Dunja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 8200912945083E630F6C965238E86C8F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/be1925fc-2bd6-4ce6-bb4a-2d50e44c5abf
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:In the first part of my graduation thesis I speak about Latin America because that is where English Spanish cognates came from. There are twenty countries in Latin America and they generally lie south of the United States. Europeans began to influence the people and culture of Latin America with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. He "discovered" many islands in the Caribbean and mapped the coast of Central and South America. Spain built its empire in the central and southern parts of the Americas and exploited human and material resources. Preservation of Christianity in Latin America was also the goal of the Spanish Crown and it allowed colonialism to rule Latin America for over three hundred years. As I state in my graduation thesis, the Spanish domination of cruelty, exploitation, discrimination and repression did not last forever. American-born descendants of Spaniards, called criollos, fought for South American independence, and continued to rule many new nations of Spanish America for generations. The struggle for independence was hard, but despite that almost all Latin American countries had gained their independence by 1825. The main part of my graduation thesis is about English Spanish cognates. In a technical sense, cognates are two words that have a common origin. Cognates often have similar meaning, but in some cases the meaning has changed over the centuries in one language or another. An example of such a change is the English word "arena," which usually refers to a sports facility, and the Spanish arena, which usually means "sand." They both come from the Latin harena, which originally meant "sand" and came in time to also refer to an arena of a Roman amphitheater that was covered with sand. Spanish retained the meaning of "sand" (although the word can sometimes refer to a sports arena), but English expanded the word's meaning to include facilities, something like the Roman amphitheater (spanish.about.com). In a popular and not technical sense, the phrase "false cognate" is used to refer to cognates that have different meanings, such as the Spanish molestar (to bother) and the English "molest" (to abuse sexually). A more precise term to use for such word pairs is "false friends” (spanish.about.com).
Keywords:Latin America, Christopher Columbus, Spanish colonization of the Americas, Independence of Latin America, English Spanish cognates.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Balant]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38631 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19579656 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.01.2013
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Abstract:V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem v 5. poglavju predstavila Latinsko Ameriko, saj anleško – španske sorodne besede izvirajo od tam. V Latinski Ameriki obstaja dvajset držav, ki na splošno ležijo južno od Združenih držav Amerike. Evropejci so začeli vplivati na ljudi in kulturo Latinske Amerike s prihodom Krištofa Kolumba leta 1492. "Odkril" je številne otoke na Karibih in kartiral obalo Srednje in Južne Amerike. Španija je zgradila svoj imperij na osrednjih in južnih delih Amerike in izkoriščala človeške in materialne vire. Cilj španske krone je bil prav tako ohranjanje krščanstva v Latinski Ameriki, saj je to omogočilo vladavino kolonializma v Latinski Ameriki več kot tristo let. Kot sem navedla v diplomski nalogi, špansko vladanje s krutostjo, izkoriščanjem, diskriminacijo in zatiranjem ni trajalo večno. V Ameriki rojeni potomci Špancev, ki so se imenovali criollos, so se borili za neodvisnost Južne Amerike in nadalje vladali generacijam številnih novih narodov španske Amerike. Boj za neodvisnost je bil trd, vendar navkljub vsemu je večji del Latinske Amerike dosegel svojo neodvisnost do leta 1825. Glavni del moje diplomske naloge je o sorodnih besedah angleškega in španskega jezika. V tehničnem smislu sta dve besedi, ki imata skupen izvor, sorodni. Sorodne besede imajo pogosto podoben pomen, vendar se je v nekaterih primerih pomen skozi stoletja spremenil samo v enem ali drugem jeziku. Primer takšne spremembe je angleška beseda "arena", ki se običajno nanaša na športni objekt, španska "arena" pa ponavadi pomeni "pesek". Obe besedi sta prišli iz latinskega izraza harena, kar je prvotno pomenilo "pesek", nato pa se je nanašalo tudi na območju rimskega amfiteatra, ki je bil prekrit s peskom. Španščina je ohranila pomen "peska" (čeprav se lahko včasih beseda nanaša na športno areno), angleščina pa je razširila pomen besede in vključila v pomen še objekte, podobne rimskemu amfiteatru (spanish.about.com). Tudi v popularnem in ne tehničnem smislu se izraz "lažna sorodna beseda" uporablja za sklicevanje na sorodne besede, ki imajo različne pomene, kot so španski "molestar" (motiti) in angleški "zlostaviti" (spolna zloraba). Natančnejši izraz za uporabo teh besednih parov je "lažni prijatelj" (spanish.about.com).
Keywords:Latinska Amerika, Krištof Kolumb, španska kolonizacija Amerike, neodvisnost Latinske Amerike, angleško-španske sorodne besede.


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