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Authors:ID Đekić, Marko (Author)
ID Friš, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Dekic_Marko_2012.pdf (1,69 MB)
MD5: E3606F9AFAF3A2B9289003183D89179D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/3f8cabda-b329-41a5-b8ec-1eb96a8a6cce
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo Zunanjepolitični aspekt slovenske osamosvojitve obravnava ključni in najpomembnejši trenutek slovenske zgodovine s poudarkom na mednarodnih dogodkih oz. zunanjepolitičnem udejstvovanju slovenskih diplomatov, ki so vplivali na mednarodno priznanje Republike Slovenije kot neodvisne in suverene države. Gre za kratko obdobje, v katerem je Slovenija izpolnila vse pogoje za demokratično ureditev in se osvobodila spon zastarelega totalitarizma in unitarizma. Njena vizija je bila jasna: postati polnopravna evropska država in članica Združenih narodov. Kljub temu da je bila Slovenija na bojišču sama in na mnogih mednarodnih pogovorih omalovaževana kot začetnica konfliktov, je bilo jasno, da od zadanih ciljev ne bo odstopila. Nekateri pomembni tuji državniki so v njej videli zgodbo o uspehu ter razumeli težnjo naroda, ki je ujet v okosteneli komunizem in se želi osvoboditi ter demokratizirati. Ravno zato, pa tudi zavoljo dejstva, da so zvezne jugoslovanske oblasti stopnjevale svojo agresijo tudi drugod po Balkanu, je Slovenija dobivala vse več mednarodne podpore, saj so številni zagovorniki enotne Jugoslavije končno spregledali dejansko stanje v državi. Uvideli so, da je demokratizacija celotne Jugoslavije nemogoča in končno privolili v t. i. razdružitev. Konec leta 1991, formalno pa v začetku leta 1992 je bila mednarodna javnost po številnih klavrnih poskusih ustavitve spopadov na Balkanu končno zrela za priznanje Slovenije kot samostojne in suverene evropske države.
Keywords:osamosvojitev Slovenije, konferenca o Jugoslaviji, demokracija, vojna za Slovenijo, jugoslovanska kriza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Đekič]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38608 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19450376 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.10.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:The diploma paper entitled The Foreign Political Aspect of the Independence of Slovenia addresses the key and most important moment in the Slovenian history by focusing on the international events or foreign policy activities of Slovenian diplomats which significantly influenced international recognition of the Republic of Slovenia as an independent and sovereign country. It was a short period of time in which Slovenia fulfilled all conditions to become a democratic state and liberated itself from the clamps of the obsolete totalitarianism and centralism. Its vision was clear: to become a fully authorized member of the United Nations. Despite the fact that Slovenia fought its battles alone and was often discredited as initiator of conflicts, it was clear that it would not give up its set objectives. Some important foreign statesmen recognized in all this a success story and understood the tendencies of the Slovenian people who were trapped under the ossified communism for so long and finally wanted to liberate themselves and embrace democracy. For this reason and because of the escalating aggression of Yugoslavian authorities in other parts of the Balkan region, Slovenia was gaining more and more international support. Many who used to speak in favour of the unified Yugoslavia finally realized that the democratization of the entire Yugoslavia was not possible and agreed to the so called disunion. By the end of 1991, officially at the beginning of 1992, after numerous failed attempts to stop conflicts in the Balkan, the international public was finally ready to recognize Slovenia as an independent and sovereign European country.
Keywords:the independence of Slovenia, Conference on Yugoslavia, democracy, the war for Slovenia, the Yugoslav crisis


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