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Authors:ID Kavzar, Marko (Author)
ID Ženko, Zdenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kavzar_Marko_2012.pdf (1,58 MB)
MD5: A44A1215DD4FD1097E514658F17F9B21
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/8c226f07-064f-4710-ae33-53c985d7fc40
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Teoretični del magistrskega dela predstavljajo prva tri poglavja. V tem delu sem s pomočjo domače in tuje literature opredelil osnovne pojme (kompleksnost, fleksibilnost, ustvarjalnost in mehke veščine managerjev), ki so pomembni za pravilno razumevanje postavljenih hipotez. Ker v magistrskem delu opisujem inovativne pristope vodenja podjetij, sem opredelil tudi pojme v invencijsko-inovacijskem managementu. V tem poglavju sem predstavil inovativno družbo, ki zajema tistih 20 odstotkov svetovnega prebivalstva, ki so zato najbogatejši. V njihovih podjetjih in drugih organizacijah – kot poslovnih sistemih – prevladuje inovativno poslovanje. Takšna podjetja morajo zato voditi inovativni managerji, ki spodbujajo ustvarjalnost in inovativnost vseh zaposlenih. Teoretične vidike managementa in vodenja opisujem ob koncu teoretičnega dela v tretjem poglavju magistrskega dela. Empirični del magistrskega dela obsega prav tako tri poglavja. S pomočjo najnovejše IBM-ove globalne študije, v kateri je sodelovalo več kot 1500 predsednikov uprav in generalnih direktorjev iz 60 držav ter 33 industrijskih panog vsega sveta, sem opisal lastnosti sodobnih trgov ter podal predloge, kako lahko z inovativnim vodenjem pridemo do konkurenčne prednosti. Ugotovil sem, da je sedanje okolje bistveno bolj nestanovitno, negotovo in kompleksno. Kompleksnost okolja se bo po mnenju anketiranih direktorjev v naslednjih petih letih še povečala. Takšnega mnenja je bilo 79 odstotkov anketiranih direktorjev iz IBM-ove globalne študije. V magistrskem delu tudi ugotavljam, da je za uspešno vodenje podjetja v nestanovitnem, negotovem in vedno bolj kompleksnem okolju potreben ustvarjalni vodja, ki ima razvite mehke veščine. Tako je kar 60 odstotkov anketiranih direktorjev iz IBM-ove globalne študije izbralo ustvarjalnost, kot najpomembnejšo lastnost, ki jo mora imeti direktor pri vodenju podjetja v sodobnem poslovnem okolju. Ustvarjalnost je tako osnova za inovativnost in stalno nove izume. S temi ugotovitvami se strinjajo tudi števili drugi avtorji, katerih mnenja sem povzel v magistrskem delu. V zaključku magistrskega dela še ugotavljam, da se je potrebno na vsako ponujeno priložnost v sodobnem gospodarskem okolju odzvati hitro, za kar pa je potrebna fleksibilnost celotne organizacije.
Keywords:kompleksnost, fleksibilnost, ustvarjalnost, mehke veščine, vodenje, management, inovativni vodja, inovativni manager, sodobni trgi
Place of publishing:Hrastnik
Publisher:[M. Kavzar]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38528 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11313436 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.01.2013
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical part of this Master's research consists of three chapters. With the help of domestic and foreign literature I have defined the basic concepts (complexity, flexibility, creativity, and the soft skills of managers), that are important for correct comprehension of the formed hypotheses. Some innovative approaches to management of companies are described and I have also defined some concepts of invention – innovational management. In that chapter I have presented innovative society which includes the 20 percent of world population that are wealthier because of that. In their companies and other organizations – like in business systems – the innovative business prevails. Therefore, these companies have to be managed by innovative managers that encourage creativity and innovativeness of every employee. I am describing theoretical aspects of management and leadership at the end of theoretical part of the third chapter. Empirical part of this work also consists of three chapters. With the help of the latest IBM global study, in which more than 1500 CEOs, general managers and senior public sector leaders from 60 countries and 33 industrial sectors from the whole world have taken part in, I have described the characteristics of modern markets and I have also given suggestions how to achieve competitive edge with innovative leading. I have discovered that today’s environment is essentially more volatile, uncertain, and complex. The interviewed directors think that the complexity of environment is going to increase in the next five years. That was the opinion of 79 percent of interviewed in IBM global study. In my Master’s research I have also established that an innovative leader with soft skills is needed for successful management of the companies in this volatile, uncertain, and more and more complex environment. 60 percent of interviewees of IBM study have chosen creativity as the most important feature that a director has to have when managing the company in a modern business environment. Many other authors, whose opinions I have summarized in this research, agree with the findings above. In the conclusion of my Master’s research I am still determining that every offered opportunity in modern economic environment has to be responded to rapidly and for that, the flexibility of the whole organization is needed.
Keywords:complexity, flexibility, creativity, soft skills, leadership, management, innovative leader and innovative manager, modern markets


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