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Authors:ID Vozlič, Sanja (Author)
ID Vajs, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vozlic_Sanja_2012.pdf (5,30 MB)
MD5: 201B8140BECAA550BAC21B4E60505FDF
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1874011e-b166-4180-b608-1ad054813ef0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V obsežni raziskavi izvedeni v letu 2012 o značilnostih varstva vinske trte pred škodljivimi organizmi je bilo ugotovljeno, da se pri dejavnikih odločanja za zatiranje škodljivih organizmov v 66 % pridelovalci odločijo za dejavnik pregleda nasada in v 42,70 % upoštevajo navodila strokovnih služb in napovedovalne službe. Pri nekemičnih ukrepih 100 % pridelovalcev uporablja mehansko zaščito pred glodalci in divjimi živalmi in plevel uničuje mehansko. Pred boleznimi in škodljivci se poslužujejo odstranjevanja zelenih delov (96,70 % in 100%), izbora sorte (87 % in 53,30 %) in načina pridelave (90 %). Glavni dejavnik pri nakupu fitofarmacevtskih sredstev so lastne izkušnje (67 %) in priporočila strokovnih služb (13 %). Škodljivi organizmi se v 32 % pojavljajo vsako leto, občasno se jih pojavlja v 25 % in v 43 % se pojavijo redko ali nikoli. Pridelovalci v 45 % škodljive organizme zadovoljivo obvladujejo in v 50 % delno. Ukrepi za zmanjšano porabo fitofarmacevtskih sredstev so izboljšana tehnika nanosa (100 %), način pridelave (100 %), mehansko zatiranje plevelov (100 %), izbor sorte (70 - 76,7 %), odstranjevanje obolelih delov(73,30 – 100 %), biotično varstvo in metode zbeganja (93,39 %). Z dostopnostjo in učinkovitostjo fitofarmacevtskih sredstev na našem trgu so pridelovalci zadovoljni. Stroški varstva vinske trte pred škodljivimi organizmi vinske trte na ha površine se gibljejo v razponu od 395,84 €/ha do 976,14 €/ha. Delež stroškov varstva vinske trte pred škodljivimi organizmi v lastni ceni pridelave grozdja predstavlja od 9 - 15,05 % v odvisnosti od velikosti nasada.
Keywords:vinska trta, varstvo vinske trte, škodljivi organizmi, ekonomičnost, kalkulacije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38378 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.10.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:In a comprehensive survey conducted in 2012 on the characteristics of protection against grapevine pests were found to be factors in the decision-making for pest control in 66 % of the producers decide to review the crop factor and 42.70 % Follow the professional services and forecasting service . For non-chemical measures 100 % of growers use mechanical protection against rodents and wild animals and destroying weeds mechanically. Against diseases and pests utilizing the disposal of green parts (96.70 % and 100 %), selection of varieties (87 % and 53.30 %) and the method of production (90 %). The main consideration when buying a PPP are our own experience (67 %) and recommendations from professional services (13 %). Harmful organisms in 32 % occur each year, occasionally they are found in 25 % and 43 % occur rarely or never. Producers in 45 % of harmful organisms controlled and satisfactory in 50% partially. Measures for reducing the consumption of plant protection products as improved coating technique (100 %), crops (100 %), mechanical weed control (100 %), selection of varieties (70 - 76.7 %), removal of diseased parts (73.30 to 100 %), biological control and mating disruption method (93.39 %). With the availability and efficiency of plant protection products on the market today, growers happy. Cost of protection against grapevine pests of vines per hectare of surface area are in the range of € 395.84 / € 976.14 to ha / ha. Share of the costs of protection against grapevine pests in grape production cost price represents from 9 - 15.05 %, depending on the size of the plantation.
Keywords:winegrape, protection of winegrape, pests, economy, calculations


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