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Title:Logistika denarja in ponudniki denarnih logističnih storitev
Authors:ID Sotošek, Anita (Author)
ID Boršič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Sotosek_Anita_2012.pdf (980,99 KB)
MD5: 4026DB6A04D1E9338BD39EE7C1045FE5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ffe50de4-7c5e-4812-a472-a5828bcb2801
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Logistika je danes ţe precej razširjena znanost, ki se vedno bolj intenzivno uporablja tako v večjih kot tudi v manjših podjetjih. Logistika v Sloveniji je še vedno v razvoju in mnogi jo povezujejo predvsem s transportom. Toda logistika ni le transport.Z najbolj splošno definicijo lahko logistiko opredelimo kot dejavnost, ki s pomočjo številnih postopkov omogoča, da lahko nek izdelek premaknemo iz točke A v točko B, kar se da najhitreje in z najmanjšimi stroški. Logistika denarja zajema celoten tok denarja kot vrednostnega predmeta, torej tok bankovcev in kovancev od njihove proizvodnje, pa vse do uporabnikov in končno do uničenja. Pot bankovcev in kovancev je zelo specifična in se vedno in povsod navezuje na varnost. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstaviti okvir pojma logistika denarja, ki kot tak širši publiki še ni bil predstavljen. Spoznali bomo vse vidike logističnih procesov, ki se odvijajo in spremljajo denar na poti od oblikovanja pa vse do uničenja.
Keywords:logistika, denar, logistika denarja, prevoz denarja, hramba denarja
Place of publishing:Celje
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-38241 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.10.2012
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Secondary language

Title:Logistics of money and providers of related services
Abstract:Today, logistics is quite a widespread science which is being more and more intensively used both in large and small companies. Logistics in Slovenia is still being developed and many people associate it with transport. However, logistics is not only transport. By means of the most general definition logistics can be defined as an activity that enables us to move a certain product from point A to point B as fast and with as low cost as possible with the help of numerous procedures. Logistics of money includes a complete flow of money as a valuable object, namely the flow of bank notes and coins from their production all the way to their users and finally their destruction. The path of banknotes and coins is very specific and it is constantly related to security. The goal of this diploma work is to present the framework of the logistics of money concept which has not yet been presented as such to the wider public. We will learn all the aspects of the logistic processes taking place and accompanying the money on its path from the design all the way to the destruction.
Keywords:logistics, money, logisticsofmoney, transportationofmoney, safekeepingofmoney


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