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Authors:ID Kerbler, Janja (Author)
ID Pulko, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kerbler_Janja_2012.pdf (1,77 MB)
MD5: F88F58C1ADC0F8449B7596DB61BD1ABA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/8e9ab559-21fe-4cec-86dc-f229d76bc463
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je bilo obravnavano sodelovalno učenje in njegova priljubljenost med učenci in učitelji slovenščine na dveh izbranih osnovnih šolah. Temelji na teoretičnih spoznanjih, dokazanih s praktičnimi izsledki in podkrepljenimi z izvedbo dveh anket, njuno analizo ter primerjavo. Slednja govori o tem, kako je sodelovalno učenje priljubljeno med učenci in kako med učitelji, kako pogosto se tovrstna metoda pri pouku slovenščine uporablja, ali se učenci ob takšni metodi dela naučijo veliko in ali si tako učitelji kot učenci želijo pri pouku slovenščine več sodelovalnega učenja. Po mnenju Cirile Peklaj (2001), ki se z raziskovanjem sodelovalnega učenja intenzivno ukvarja že vrsto let, je naloga šole v sodobnem svetu tehnologije in nenehnih novosti, da učence opremi z višjimi miselnimi veščinami, z veščinami reševanja problemov, komunikacijskimi in tudi socialnimi veščinami, da bodo učenci kos tempu, ki ga narekuje življenje. Kakovostno delo v šoli torej naj ne bi spodbujalo samo spoznavnih procesov učencev, temveč mora omogočati tudi pogoje za njihov socialni, čustveni in duhovni razvoj. Vse to pa so tudi zahteve, ki so jasno zapisane v ciljih osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Med temeljnimi cilji je poleg pridobivanja znanj še posebej poudarjeno vzgajanje za medsebojno strpnost, demokracijo, spoštovanje drugačnosti in sodelovanje z drugimi ... Zato ne moremo mimo tega, da je prav delo v sodelovalnih skupinah eden najboljših načinov za doseganje teh ciljev. Rezultati izvedenega anketiranja so pokazali, da je tako učencem kot učiteljem slovenščine, na šolah, kjer sem izvedla anketo, sodelovalno učenje všeč, a učitelji kljub vsemu tovrstno metodo uporabljajo redko oziroma nekajkrat v šolskem letu. Po mnenju učiteljev se učenci ob tej metodi dela naučijo veliko, pa tudi učenci menijo, da je poleg individualnega dela skupinsko delo ena izmed najbolj funkcionalnih oblik. Končna ugotovitev, ki je nastala na podlagi primerjav, je bila, da si tako učenci kot njihovi učitelji želijo pri pouku slovenščine več sodelovalnega učenja.
Keywords:Slovenščina, učenci, učitelji, sodelovalno učenje, sodobne metode poučevanja, skupinsko delo, sodelovanje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Kerbler]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37982 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19382792 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.10.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the diploma paper, cooperative learning and its popularity among pupils and teachers of Slovene language at two selected primary schools was discussed. It is based on theoretical findings, proven by results of the practical work and substantiated by conducting two surveys, their analysis and comparison. The latter discusses the popularity of cooperative learning among pupils and teacher, respectively; the frequency of using this method at Slovene lessons; whether pupils learn a lot with this method of work; and whether pupils as well as teachers would like more cooperative learning at Slovene lessons. In the opinion of Cirila Peklaj (2001), who has been researching cooperative learning for a number of years, the schools’ task is to provide pupils in the modern world of technology and constant innovations with higher thinking skills, problem solving skills, communicative skills, and socials skills, so pupils can handle the pace life sets. Quality school work should not only encourage pupils’ cognitive processes, but also enable conditions for their social, emotional and spiritual development. These are also the conditions clearly stated in the goals of the primary education. Among these goals, there is an emphasis besides on knowledge acquirement also on education in mutual tolerance, democracy, respect for differences, and cooperation. Therefore we cannot pass the fact that working in cooperative groups is indeed one of the best ways to achieve these goals. The survey results have shown that pupils as well as teachers at schools, where the survey was carried out, like cooperative learning however the teachers use this method rarely – a few times in a school year. In teachers’ opinions pupils learn a lot with this method of work, also the pupils think that cooperative learning is the most functional besides individual work. The conclusion based on the comparison is that pupils as well as their teachers would like more cooperative learning at Slovene lessons.
Keywords:Slovene language, pupils, teachers, cooperative learning, modern teaching methods, group work, cooperation.


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