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Authors:ID Dimec, Monika (Author)
ID Rus, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Dimec_Monika_2012.pdf (901,09 KB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/381d5248-65d8-4c6d-91d9-737047b5e177
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem seminarju smo analizirali aktivnosti notranjega podjetništva na primeru podjetja Ljubljanske mlekarne d.d. Podjetje se ukvarja s predelavo mleka in mlečnih izdelkov za slovenske in tuje potrošnike in je hkrati največji grosist z mlečnimi izdelki v Sloveniji. V obratih Kočevje, Ljubljana in Maribor predelajo okoli 50 odstotkov vsega odkupljenega mleka v Sloveniji. Prodajni program izdelkov združujejo v tri skupine: beli program, sire ter sladolede. Njihove najpomembnejše blagovne znamke so: Ego, Mu, Planica, Lučka, Maxim Premium, Alpsko mleko, Piran, Jošt in Kranjska gauda. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo opredelili pojem notranjega podjetništva, podali dimenzije in korake za uvajanje notranjega podjetništva. Večji poudarek pa smo namenili opisovanju aktivnosti notranjega podjetništva. V empiričnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili podjetje Ljubljanske mlekarne d.d. Osredotočili smo se na opisovanje aktivnosti notranjega podjetništva. Podjetje daje poudarek na naslednje aktivnosti: razvoj novih izdelkov in storitev, tržne aktivnosti, notranje komuniciranje ter razvoj zaposlenih. Pri razvoju zaposlenih je poudarek na motiviranju, nagrajevanju in izobraževanju. Ugotovili smo, da je notranje podjetništvo v Ljubljanskih mlekarnah pomembno za trženje mlečnih izdelkov in njihovih storitev ter vpliva na razvojno vrednost zaposlenih. Kot pomemben del trajnostnega razvoja vidijo vlaganje v kolektivno energijo delavcev.
Keywords:notranje podjetništvo, dimenzije notranjega podjetništva, aktivnosti notranjega podjetništva, Ljubljanske mlekarne d.d., razvoj izdelkov in storitev, motiviranje zaposlenih
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Dimec]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37888 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11217180 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.11.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this diploma seminar we analysed activities of internal business on a case of the company Ljubljanske mlekarne d. d. The company deals with modification of milk and dairy products for Slovene and foreign consumers. At the same time it is the largest wholesaler of dairy products in Slovenia. Factories in Kočevje, Ljubljana and Maribor manufacture around 50 percent of all collected milk in Slovenia. Sales programme of products is divided into three groups: white programme, cheeses and ice creams. Their most important brands are: Ego, Mu, Planica, Lučka, Maxim, Premium, Alpsko mleko, Piran, Jošt and Kranjska gauda. In theoretical part of the diploma seminar we defined the conception of internal business and gave dimensions and steps for introducing internal business. Larger emphasis was given to describe activities of internal business. In empirical part of the diploma seminar we introduced the company Ljubljanske mlekarne d. d. We focused on describing internal business activities. The company gives emphasis on the following activities: development of new products and services, marketing activities, inner communication and employee development. In the latter, the emphasis is on motivation, rewards and education. We found out that internal business in Ljubljanske mlekarne is important for marketing dairy products and their services and that it also influences on development value of the employees. Investing in collective energy of employees is seen as an important part of permanent progress.
Keywords:intrapreneurship, dimensions of internal business, internal business activities, Ljubljanske mlekarne d. d., product and service development, employee motivation


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