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Title:Uporaba strukturiranih intervjujev pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Ržen, Primož (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Rzen_Primoz_2012.pdf (1,64 MB)
MD5: 3C4989C02A3CA0A2C1F29D4CFFD61F07
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/96b11769-6600-4228-889f-a10f88f18d91
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Preiskovalni intervjuji predstavljajo pomemben element v kriminalističnem preiskovanju. Z njihovo uporabo pri razgovorih z osumljenci, očividci in žrtvami kaznivih dejanj lahko pridemo do pomembnih informacij, ki so lahko v veliko pomoč v preiskovalnem postopku in pri ugotavljanju okoliščin posameznega kaznivega dejanja. Pri pridobivanju tovrstnih informacij so se za najbolj učinkovite izkazali strukturirani pristopi, ki preiskovalce z natančnimi navodili usmerjajo in vodijo skozi vse faze razgovora, kljub temu pa jim omogočajo, da potek razgovora primerno prilagodijo glede na različne situacije z različnimi tipi intervjuvancev. Nazoren primer strukturirane tehnike intervjuvanja sta preiskovalna protokola PEACE in NICHD. Protokol PEACE je razvila policija v Angliji in Walesu, preiskovalci pa ga obširno uporabljajo v Združenem Kraljestvu in nekaterih drugih zahodnih državah. Uporablja se za intervjuvanje osumljencev, očividcev in žrtev. Zanj je značilen bolj human in etičen pristop do intervjuvancev. Protokol NICHD je bil razvit kot pomoč preiskovalcem pri pridobivanju informacij od otrok, ki so bili žrtve ali očividci kaznivih dejanj. Raziskave, ki so ocenjevale njegovo učinkovitost, so pokazale, da so po njegovi uvedbi preiskovalci pričeli izvajati razgovore na kvalitetnejši ravni, znatno pa se je povečala tudi količina in kvaliteta pridobljenih informacij. Strukturirani intervjuji se pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj v Sloveniji ne uporabljajo. Prisotna je le uporaba poligrafske tehnike, ki pa jo mnogi strokovnjaki ocenjujejo kot nezanesljivo.
Keywords:kazniva dejanja, preiskovanja, intervju, strukturirani intervju, informativni razgovor, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Ržen]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37662 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2546410 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.03.2013
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Abstract:Investigative interviews are an important element in a criminal investigation. With their use within interogations of suspects, eyewitnesses and victims of criminal offences we can obtain important informaton, which can help a lot in an investigative process and in identifying the circumstances of an individual criminal offence. Structured approaches turned out to be the most effective in obtaining this kind of information, because they lead and direct investigators with detailed instructions through all phases of the interview and still allow them to adapt the conversation appropriately to different situations with different types of interviewees. Object lessons of structured interviewing techniques are PEACE and NICHD investigative protocols. The PEACE protocol was developed by police in England and Wales and is used extensively by investigators in United Kingdom and some other western countries. It is used for interviewing of suspects, eyewitnesses and victims. Its feature is more humane and more ethic approach to interviewees. The NICHD interview protocol was designed to aid forensic interviewers in obtaining information from children who were wictims or witnesses of criminal offences. Studies evaluating its use have shown that after its introduction investigators have begun interviewing on the higher quality level. Studies have also shown that the amount and quality of information obtained from children increased considerably. Structured interviews are not used in a criminal investigation in Slovenia. Only the use of a polygraph technique is present, which many experts regard as unreliable.


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