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Authors:ID Vinšek, Natalija (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Vinsek_Natalija_2012.pdf (903,50 KB)
MD5: 2BB432C02B35358E203E2B9DB7AFF25F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/612dcc70-02f9-4ed7-8e11-4ee89024da0a
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Konkurenca je vsak dan večja in podjetja iščejo različne načine kako dobiti svoje mesto na trgu. To vodi v dejstvo, da želijo podjetja v današnjih dneh vedeti vse o svojih strankah in njihovih potrebah. Če strankam ne ponudimo kaj zanimivega, bodo odšli h konkurenci. CRM rešitve so programi, ki nam omogočajo, da shranimo velike količine pridobljenih podatkov o naših strankah. Če želimo imeti CRM rešitev, jo moramo najprej uvesti v podjetje. Toda, pred tem je potrebno poznati nekaj opredelitev o sami CRM rešitvi in kako nam lahko pomaga pri našem poslovanju, posebej pri prodaji, trženju, servisu in podpori. Na žalost je veliko projektov uvedbe neuspešnih. To je zaradi prepričanja podjetja, da je dovolj, če pokličemo uvajalca in mu prepustimo delo. Vendar moramo prispevati svoj del tudi mi. Najprej moramo spremeniti poslovne procese, da bodo ustrezali novi CRM rešitvi, nato prepričati zaposlene, zakaj je nova CRM rešitev boljša. Prepričati se moramo, da je dovolj vključen tudi menedžment in so tudi oni seznanjeni s podrobnostmi uvedbe. To so le nekateri dejavniki, ki nam pomagajo k uspešni uvedbi. Za učinkovitejše uvajanje je veliko ponudnikov CRM rešitev razvilo svoje metodologije za uvajanje le-teh. Te metodologije se lahko uporabijo kot okvir za uvedbo vsake nove CRM rešitve in pomagajo zmanjšati možnost neuspešne uvedbe.
Keywords:CRM, CRM rešitev, upravljanje odnosov s strankami, prodaja, trženje, servis in podpora, stranke, metodologija uvajanja, uvedba CRM, Maximizer CRM, Sure Step, Catalyst, ASAP metodologija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Vinšek]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37495 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11281692 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.12.2012
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Abstract:Competition is bigger every day, and companies are looking for different ways to take place on the market. This leads to companies wanting to know everything about their customers and their needs. If they do not manage to offer something interesting to the customers, their competitors will. The CRM solutions are programs which enables us to store large amounts of data about our customers. If we want CRM solution in our company we first need to implement it. But before the implementation it is necessary to know some definitions about CRM Solutions and how they can help us with our business, and especially how to use it in sales, marketing, service and support. Unfortunately many implementation processes fail. That is because companies believe it is enough, if they call the vendor and leave everything to them. But we need to do our part too. First we need to modify our business processes, so that they will fit with the new CRM solution. Next we have to convince employees that the new CRM solution is better and make sure the management is involved enough, and they know the details of the implementation too. These are just some factors which help us to a successful implementation of a new CRM solution. For more efficient implementations many providers of CRM solutions develop their methodologies for implementing CRM solution in a company. Those methodologies can be used as framework, for every implementation project and they help to minimize the possibility of unsuccessful implementations.
Keywords:CRM, CRM solutions, customer relationship management, sale, marketing, service and support, customers, implementation methodology, CRM implementation, Maximizer CRM, Sure Step, Catalyst, ASAP methodology


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