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Authors:ID Pažon, Nastja (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Pazon_Nastja_2012.pdf (2,89 MB)
MD5: DDAED9561059D4BA4C8AC92713F01D06
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dfc85051-24ea-4380-8582-8f076b0a7774
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Informacijski sistem je sistem obdelovanja, shranjevanja in pretakanja informacij in podatkov; rešuje težave premostitve časovne in prostorske pregrade ter težave obdelave podatkov. Zaradi hitro se spreminjajočega poslovnega okolja se pojavljajo zahteve po sprotnem in učinkovitem prilagajanju spremembam, še posebej spremembam v poslovni informatiki. V takšnem poslovnem okolju lahko dolgoročno preživijo samo organizacije, ki se bodo na spremembe hitro in ustrezno odzvale. Pri prenovi informacijskega sistema izhajamo iz predhodne organiziranosti informacijskega sistema. Prenova zajema: postavitev izhodišč, definiranje informacijskih potreb in zasnova ciljev bodočega sistema, oblikovanje procesa, ki bo omogočal zadovoljevanje ciljev in določitev sistema, v katerem pa bo informacijski proces potekal brezhibno. Pri prenovi informacijskega sistema je modeliranje podatkov eno izmed temeljnih opravil. Pri razvijanju informacijskega sistema so izkušnje pokazale, da so podatki lažje določljivi in veliko manj spremenljivi, torej bolj stabilni v primerjavi z informacijskimi procesi. Nemalokrat se zgodi, da morajo podjetja spremeniti poslovne procese, pri čemer pa ostajajo podatki bolj ali manj nespremenjeni. Zasnove informacijskeha sistema torej pričnemo z modeliranjem podatkov ter šele nato izvedemo modeliranje informacijskih procesov ter snovanje računalniške rešitve. Prenova poslovnih procesov je lahko rešitev za težave, s katerimi se sooča večina organizacij. Z analiziranjem in spreminjanjem celotnega poslovnega procesa lahko izboljšamo delovanje organizacije. Prenova zahteva korenite spremembe v poslovanju, zato mora najprej vodstvo organizacije zavreči neuporabna pravila in postopke in šele nato lahko prične s prenovo poslovnih procesov, ki zajema področje racionalizacije, standardizacije in poenostavitve postopkov z uvajanjem nujnih organizacijskih sprememb ter razmer, sodobnih konceptov skupinskega dela ter sodobne informacijske tehnologije. Podjetje Panles d.o.o. je majhno družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno leta 1990, katerega glavna dejavnost je izdelava pohištva po naročilu. Pri poslovanju uporablja Microsoft Access kot glavno podatkovno bazo in sistem za izdelavo ponudb, dobavnic, predloga obračuna in računov. Na osnovi nekaterih pomanjkljivosti v sistemu smo se odločili za prenovo informacijskega sistema. Najprej smo opredelili trenutno stanje v podjetju, na osnovi katerega smo nato opredelili zahteve po spremembi in želeno stanje. V programu Microsoft Access smo si izbrali prazno predlogo in ustvarili novo bazo z na novo ustvarjenimi tabelami in obrazci. S prenovo smo dosegli hranjenje podatkov na enem mestu in s tem večjo preglednost nad samimi podatki. Prav tako pa smo pospešili in poenostavili nekatere procese, ki podjetju sedaj prihranijo ogromno časa.
Keywords:informacijski sistem, prenova informacijskega sistema, modeliranje poslovnih procesov, modeliranje podatkov, sistemi za upravljanje podatkovnih baz, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visio.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Pažon]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-37412 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11261212 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.12.2012
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Abstract:The information system is a system of processing, saving and flowing information and data and saves problems of bridging the time and place barrier and the problems of processing data. Because of the quickly changing business environment there are demands of a simultaneous and effective adaption to changes, especially the changes in business informatics. The only survivors on the long term in such business environment are the organizations that will quickly and correctly react to changes. When it comes to renewing the information system we derive from the preliminary organization structure of the information system. The renewal covers: setting of starting points, definition of information requirements and concept of goals of the future system, creating a process that will allow the completion of goals and determination of the system in which the information system will run flawlessly. In the process of renewing the information system, the modeling of data is one of the basic tasks. In the evolution of the information system, experience have shown, that the data is much less changing and can be determined much easier, so the data is more stable in comparison to the information processes. It often happens, that companies must change their business processes, at which the data remains more or less unchanged. So we begin the concept of the information system with modeling data and only later we model the information processes and plan the computer solution. The renewal of the business processes can be a solution for problems, that most of the organizations tackle. By analyzing and changing the entire business process we can improve the functioning of the organization. The renewal requires radical changes in business operations, so the leadership of the organization must first get rid of useless rules and processes and only then can it begin with the renewal of business processes, which covers the area of rationalization, standardization and simplification of the processes of deploying urgent organizational changes and conditions, modern concepts of team work and modern informative technology. Company Panles d.o.o. is a small family company, established in the 1990, which mainly focuses on the task of production of furniture by order. It uses Microsoft Access as the main data base and system for making offers, delivery notes, proposal accounts and accounts. Based on some of the weaknesses in the system, we decided to renew the information system. First, we defined the current situation in the company, based on which we then defined requirements for change and desired state. In program Microsoft Access, we chose a blank template and created a new database with the newly created tables and forms. With the renovation we achieved data storage in one place and with that greater transparency in the data themselves. We also accelerated and simplified some of the processes, which now saves the company a lot of time.
Keywords:Information System, Engineering of the Information System, Modeling Business Processes, Modeling Data, System for Managing Databases, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visio.


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