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Authors:ID Aristovnik, Jože (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Aristovnik_Joze_2012.pdf (1,39 MB)
MD5: E9A48329486326356C877B6E3A99C71D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9c56eac2-4824-4a60-a3fb-2e8226018206
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Dandanes se vsi trudimo, da naše poslovne ideje čim uspešnejše predstavimo potencialnim kupcem. Eden od pogosto rabljenih vzvodov je svetovni internet. Vendar zaradi velike konkurence ni več dovolj zgolj odlična internetna stran z vsemi informacijami, ki jih potencialni kupci potrebujejo, če ne najdejo do nje. Google in njemu podobni iskalniki krojijo poslovno uspešnost mnogim podjetjem širom sveta. Torej lahko govorimo v pravem boju za prikaz na prvi strani vseh zadetkov. Ravno za to je potrebno izkoristiti vse načine, katere nam omogoča napredek v tehnologiji. Eden od teh načinov so socialni mediji, katere je potrebno sistematično vpeljati v našo stran. Govorimo o socialnih medijih kot so: Facebook, Youtube, Flicker, Twitter in še bi lahko naštevali. Ti se nenehno razvijajo in rastejo. Poslovanje pa praviloma raste vzporedno z njimi, če jim le namenimo dovolj pozornosti. Pri sami optimizaciji s socialnimi mediji pa se je potrebno držati nekateri pravil, da dosežemo želeni učinek. Predvsem pa je potreben čas in veliko potrpežljivosti. Ob upoštevanju vseh smernic, kako uspešno vplesti uporabnike v samo zgodbo, uspeh prav gotovo ne bo izostal!
Keywords:socialni mediji, Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube, blog, vrste blogov, Google, spletni forum, strategije, optimizacija spletnih strani, spletni pajek, ključne besede, promocija, marketinško komuniciranje, Hubspot, razvoj socialnih omrežij, strategija spremljanja, organsko iskanje, razvrščanje zadetkov
Place of publishing:Rečica ob Paki
Publisher:[J. Aristovnik]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-36903 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11246108 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.12.2012
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Abstract:Nowadays we are all trying to successfully represent our business ideas to our potential customers. One of the most common used instruments is worldwide web. Because of a great deal of competition it is nearly not enough to just have a good internet site with all the useful information for the potential customer, if they do not know how to direct themselves to it and find it. Google and similar search engines mark the path and make a difference between successful and less successful companies across the world. We may call it a web online war which takes place on the internet where the sites struggle to be able to reach the first positions results through the online search. Because of this situation we have to use all means necessary that technology offers to us today for achieving a better view of our web sites among others. A good way to achieve this are social Medias like: Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, Twitter, etc. These web communities are expanding, growing and evolving as we speak. Our businesses may grow with them if we just invest our attention in them. The optimization with social media needs a lot of time and patience investment but we follow all of the guidelines the business success will not fall behind.
Keywords:Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, Blog, types of Blogs, Google, Online Forum, Strategies, Web page optimization, crawler, key words, promotion, marketing communication, Hobspot, development of social medias, strategie of following, organic search, classification results.


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